
I wonder if he uses a actual car for touring (instead of a bus).

Ushuaia, Argentina is the South American version of Reykjavik.

"I'm having a hard time figuring out who their fan base is now."

That Nickelback baton is not gonna pick up itself, you know.

I'm convinced that Batista dying of a drug overdose would've saved this show.

We'll take Dexter AND Nickelback if they agree to chop Biebs' passport.

Shitty CGI Poll: which one was the worst?
A) The hurricane.
B) City of Buenos Aires
C) Quinn's tears.
D) Dexter's beard.
E) All of them. Fuck this show with Dexter's now rusty knives.

Fuck NO.

That's like saying "Van Haggar" wasn't really Van Halen.

Maybe we can get GWAR to decapitate Bruno Mars during the Half-Time show.

You obviously weren't forced to see "Planes."

I stand corrected!

I meant to say EU (post corrected before you posted this, for the record). But you are right, geographically speaking it's the Middle East.

System Of A Down, then?

Except Turkey is part of the EU.

I look forward to the Turkish version of "Two and Half Men."

What's the Turkish equivalent of Death Cab for Cutie?

I sent money to St.Vincent's Charity and all I got was this lousy song.

That's what you said about my comments. That's why I created a new account.

Oh, yes, it's the new Daft Punk single everyone is supposed to like.