
You never go full-reboot, Hollywood.

These are same kind of the people who usually reply to my CL musician ads.

It's a feature, not a bug.

The Onion's "Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?" never gets old.

I liked it better back when it was "The Hitler Channel."

They are still 300? I thought at least half of them died in the last movie.

God, not this person again.

Zooey Deschanel ruined everything.

You obviously haven't read the Wikipedia A.V. Club entry. It says it's owned by Gawker Media.

You got a bad tan and a shitty attitude then?

David Caruso is a DJ now?

Oh, come on. Now you are just asking for it.


Rabble rabble rabble!

Nicely played.

Today, we are all gross old shitheads.

How the fuck am I supposed to find the dick jokes with this layout?

It had me at "Brooke Hogan" and "High School Musical…On Ice."

"Drop it Like It's Hot" seems appropriate indeed.

This is so R2RTRD.