
"Integrity"? I thought we were all here for the dick jokes.

Not according to Rudy Giuliani.

So, watcha cookin', Paul?

Needs more burning crosses.

Green Day, baby.

I don't think my cheap laptop speakers can handle Mark's growl. I'll have to check it out at home.

Kid Rock.

"Keep fucking that chicken, Gus."

Dammit! I already spent all my money on the LEGO kit!

Still nothing?

Speak for yourself there, sis. I'm getting paid while writing this comment.

Those heads aren't big enough to fit their egos.

I never understood why ladies loved that twinkies-lovin' redneck. Now I know.

I always thought these two were the same person.

Say hi to your Mamet for me.

Eleven year-olds, man.

You know how I know you are a gay tween?

It takes brass Ball to make this shit.

Lost in Trans-salivation.

Joel Kinnaman stars in "The Killing…Of RoboCop."