
At least nobody shouted "FREEBIRD!!!" right?

Forget Ross. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of The Supremes either.

Or Diane Keaton.

She provides the "O Face."

The A.V. Club

Well, that certainly explains a lot.

Jake Johnson can be funny at times, but only in small doses.

Hulu has a non-Douchebag Section?

I turned it off when it wasn't over after 30 minutes. I'm still waiting for my money back.

He'll appear in the same "Unfunny Douchebag Comedians You'll Never Watch" Netflix section, next to Jeff Dunham and Dane Cook.

*Actually reads the article title*

The pre-Zooey Deschanel years were so much better.

The A.V. Club

"I Is What I Is," starring Paula Deen.

I can't wait for the sequel, "We Are What We Are II: It Is What It Is."

One is derivative Jesus crap, the other one is derivative Beatles crap. Not sure which category Sir Paul McCartney falls into, though.

You'll have to settle for a Ringo Deathstarr album.

How is this possible? The Expendables is full of douchebags from 80's.

He's too old for her.

Will Ultron have his own secretary?