
It's good to see Lifetime stepping up their game with this movie.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions…and Christian Hardcore music.

The A.V. Club

And it's guaranteed at least an 8.6, even before the first listen.

Jesus Hipster Christ. Haven't we ran out of terrible band names already?

Also, Nick Waterhouse, not be confused with Nick Elback.

Boondock Iver (He's from Mississippi).

"Escape From Williamsburg."

"Born Too White And Privileged."

Trust-fund baby turns vacay footage into music video. This has never been done before.

That outfit and the music…Vampire Weekend at Bernie's

"The price is wrong, bitch!"

In "Joel Osteen's Guide To The Galaxy," to be exact.

That, and because he's an asshole.

Hey, look! It's that guy from that one show the A.V. Club only features once or twice a year!

Ryan Reynolds would perfect for the Judas role.

No, no, no. More like:

That's what happens when you try to pass a Colombian for an Italian.

But John Leguizamo's career really took off after the Super Mario Bros!

Josh who? Oh, you mean guy from "Battle of the Year"?