
They started at Hot Topic and moved up the ladder.

Oh, yes, more quality music from the land of Nickelback, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, etc.

Terry Crews is one of the Avengers now?

Oh, yeah, Superchunk, of course. Will the cast of Breaking Bad be there too? 

I honestly thought Oliver looked like Ryan Gosling's stuntcock from day one. Good catch!

"A scathingly close brush with death and underwhelming album have made 2013 a disappointing year for Lil Wayne."

Has Ryan Reynolds' agent gotten a call yet?

You deserve it, for watching the VMA's.

I still can't believe I didn't drop this show after season 4.

I wonder if his butt-chin is doing push-ups for the role too.

They should hang out with Biebs, permanently.

He's definitely got the chin for the job. How do you like them apples, Matt Damon?

Too subtle for a Dexter's voiceover.

So, you dated Whitney Houston?

Are you still listening to Veckatimest?

Shamelessly aiming for that coveted Fox News gig, I see, Orson.

Murdered By Death By Audio.

Wasn't Madonna's "The Next Best Thing" terrible enough?

Bitch Perfect.

"Pitch Perfect: A Pitchin' Christmas"