
A big part of getting the Daily Doubles is to keep the other contestants from getting the Daily Doubles.

I was thinking Marvin Hamlisch. He got the EGOT and a Pulitzer, so I would have been in the ballpark.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the lame Poe references and the stupid Poe masks. They made the show worse, and, therefore, more fun to hate-watch.

A theory that was brought to my attention: Crazy-ass cult leader Micah exists only to make JoePoe look intelligent & resourceful by comparison.

Good fucking grief, was that a mess.

Future headline: Marvel Entertainment announces Taylor Swift cast as Squirrel Girl, Swift to make $23 million + back end

Yeah, those seem to be the two primary recipients of stabby stabby shooty death this season. Serial killers get a pass. You can shoot them, stab them, beat them to a pulp, cut their wrists and drain their blood, and they're Just Fine after a Little Rest.

Aw, crap. The Following is on tonight. What major-ish character will they nearly bleed to death tonight? What recently-introduced character we can't remember the name of will Ryan Hardy murder in cold blood while serial killer Joe Carroll hides out in yet another shitty cult compound? Will Max make it to season 3?

Yes, thank you, Bryan Fuller, for taking the time to supply some answers and insight, and thank you, AV Club, for this incredible get.

Agent Timbertoe Q. Fartmonkey

Agreed, but I still don't think dialogue has ever really been one of Marvel's strong points.

I hope he does a better job remembering things as a pilot.

Actually, they mentioned that her knowledge about the base would be useful, so they had a tactical reason for keeping her alive, too, not just the emotional ones.

Ton Stark, of course, is Tony Stark's older, fatter brother, Mycroft to his Sherlock.

Agent Shutyer Piehole!

Everybody's bitching about the dialogue in the show, but nothing is worse than 60's-era Marvel dialogue written by Stan Lee.

…but the strikes expire after four episodes, so they'll be back to one soon enough.

Well, they're not going to kill him so much as throw him out of the bus and let the ground kill him, but yeah.

Just have him be Fish and pair him up with Ron Glass.

Don't you mean D.I.S.N.E.Y.?