
Hodgman sometimes live-tweets his Scrabble matches vs his wife. He often loses, but is usually amusing.

Man, Scrabble is different down on Buffalo Bayou.

Also, quatloo.

blerg. blerg blerg blerg.


One of the other players said "What is Crackerjacks?" (or "Cracker Jacks", it wasn't written) when the question should have been "What is Cracker Jack?" I.E., the name of the snack in the lyric in Take Me Out to the Ball Game does not have an s. Was this accepted because it was in the first round where the rules are

I just thought he was emphasizing the T in "Sam Waterston" so Trebek didn't think he was saying "Waterson".

I thought he caught them *before* they fell off the cliff, i.e., the answer was incorrect.

Welcome to Level 9.

Agent Kwazy Kupcakes

Maybe they did a Muppets mashup and found the Rainbow (Bridge) Connection?

In "the family hour", too.

"Anything But the Damp Squib" is the name of my artisan toast emporium.

Maybe he thinks Fitz has a purty mouth?

I believe it's spelled I.C.E.R.

If you go to Oktoberfest, don't ride the SlaterZahn. You'll hurl schnitzel and beer, even if you didn't eat any schnitzel.

Nick Fury's gonna be pissed when he finds out Coulson blowed up his sekrit hospital/alien-prison.

It's not ruined, it's complicated. They'll have time to ruin it later.

There was only one that had ever been to earth, at least as far as Sif knows. Can't remember which one she said. I'm damn near useless.

Under the Dome returns to destroy our summer on June 30th. (link)