
What about Ramon, Namor's slightly-less-arrogant heretofore-never-seen twin brother?

"I'm attacking the darkness!"

Having Garrett Lambert from Community be The Clairvoyant would be not only non-obvious, but spectacular:

"Roll for disadvantage."

"I cast Magic Missile."

They were bored. They were trying to figure out how to play CWAZY CUPCAKES on it while waiting for the people who know the passcode to show up.

Agent Pokem Gravelhammer

That I did not, and I'm even more glad of that now that I know about the wall decor.

But if Dean Winters is on here, who will play The Vulture on Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

Clicking on the "new message" indicators has been taking me to seemingly random places on the page, which has been kind of annoying. Also, if you stay too long on a page, it logs you out for no damn reason, except AV Club still knows you and shows your user pic.


Recently-discovered factoid: All Froot Loops are the same flavor, no matter the color. Science!

Damn, ya beat me to it.

Oh, I'm a big fan of Hannibal, too. But The Following is the shit that stuck to Fox' wall.

Reverse it. They sloppily said that Max is 5'8", that the cameraperson was at least a foot shorter.


In other news, we learn that shit sticks to walls.

He got a new job, another web site.

The AV Club
Feelings of Constant Diarrhea