
Surely How Did This Get Made? did in one of their episodes. Can't recall, though.

Read The Escapists mini-series by Brian K Vaughan. It takes place in the "universe" of Kavalier and Clay, but in the modern day as someone tries to carry on the publishing of the Escapist. So, so good.

I own Slapstick's mini-series. For some reason.

I think Hank is a really interesting character. I mean, here's a guy who's been Ant-Man, Giant Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Wasp, plain old Dr. Pym…it's like he's so desperate to be a superhero that he's willing to be ANY superhero. And yet the things that follow him around (in real life and in-universe) are his

Except, judging by his comment, he would pay for it if he could get it in his country.

"It's also clearly stated that 3 episodes were watched for review."

"There are no explosive moments in “Ruthless In Purpose, And Insidious In Method.” There are no kidnappings…"

I don't know, I'm with him. I throw it up there with Cop Out as neck-and-neck for worst movie I've ever seen.

[Predictable, un-dean-spiring Community reference]

Like those bland Marvel movies!

I'd prefer a (Netflix) series over a film. When the rumor of a Zelda series was going around a while back, and just kept thinking why it wasn't Metroid.

I'm a huge Super/Prime fan and heard the shit Other M was getting so I recently watched a Let's Play of it. The guy tried to justify some of the stupidity ("She let Adam control her because the station was under their control and they're the military!") but you can't explain away things like not allowing use of the

I liked season 4 more than most, but even I chuckle every time Harmon takes a swipe at it.

Mine turned on after each ad break. I was also confused.

God damn it Jeff giving Abed that extra hug at the end. I cried. Miles ahead of any of the other "maybe series finales" episodes this show has had.

Soooo Eddie got sucked into that wormhole and is definitely not dead, right?


Depends, did you get to the part where Steve clones himself and then one of them turns into Stefan permanently and then Steve invents a teleportation pad and he creates a rampaging robot, and then him going into space is the least fucking crazy thing that happens on that show?

How many will have actual roles, and how many will be "…c'mon, guys, we know you only care about Tony and Steve, but the rest of the Avengers are here, too. We're still a part of this thing. We were in that one big fight!"?

They have goat hooves that can cause earthquakes?