
So…did anyone else actually listen to the interview?

It's sad that I'm not entirely sure if you're joking or not…


I just want to take this moment to point out that Blink and Songbird are the best female characters at Marvel and neither have an ongoing series and it's a fucking shame.

Psh, Bendis doesn't do "ground rules." He does "Bendis rules."

Blink from AoA and Exiles. She needs her own series. And not that one where she was in love with Annihilus or whatever that shit was.

I still think the first movie is legitimately good. My favorite moment, with the benefit of hindsight from the rest of the series, is when Dom gets in Brian's car to escape the police. Brian approaches a blockade and speeds through it, with Dom looking panicked and holding onto the roof. It's cute that that counts as

You wrote those Emperor Chang episodes, didn't you?

You think Jurassic World could be the highest grossing movie ever?

Secret Avengers, starring:
-Hunter, I guess
-Mach I or whatever number he's up to, introducing the Thunderbolts concept
-Moon Knight, introducing the idea of independent vigilantes to the MCU (since no one seems to know about Daredevil yet)

But I heard the Luke Cage series is 13 episodes of him trying to get his 200 bucks from Doom, so we have that to look forward to.

Whoooooa, why does the black guy's hypothetical punishment have to be hanging, huh?

It's OK until you realize that Batman's plan to defeat an evil Green Lantern is to sneak into his house and hypnotize him in his sleep. And he banks on the Flash standing there and vibrating through a bullet. And exposing Superman to a kryptonite variant that he doesn't know the effects of.

Can we check a box noting whether or not we like a movie and want to see it?

And The Walking Dead (still? Unless he stopped that).

Tonight Jimmy Kicked: a dumpster.

Your movie sounds boring.

Chang's monologue regarding "Pokemons" and "Have you guys heard of Slender Man?" justified him for the first episode.

"…until I saw the season 5 finale."

I once mistook six people for you in a pharmacy.