
There are like 11 episodes of this show left and even major popular characters have gotten killed that suddenly though

- Many of the Lords who now follow Jon Snow either didn't take a side in the Battle of the Bastards (Like House Glover) or didn't send all off their forces to the battle or where Bolton men now under the authority of House Stark again.

I saw Capaldi on Graham Norton or something and he was basically like "It's a lot of work. We have to shoot all over the world and stuff. I am tired."

It has only happened twice. For all we know, Chibnall will only last two years and Whittaker could slightly surpass him.

I have to sustain myself on Youtube edits

I doubt the episode won't forget to be a send-off for people who are mostly invested in the 12th Doctor era.

- Personally, I'd love Bill to stay (she could remain on the show while not staying in the regular cast) just because I'd otherwise feel robbed of getting to see Bill friggin' Potts reaction to the Doctor as a young attractive woman. That's a scene with WAY too much potential.

I think it would be a good change of pace to have a teenager instead of a 20/30-something.

Three years ( 35+ episodes) is longer than a lot of BBC series' entire runs.

I'm not dying for callbacks to stuff that aired decades before I was born. But it can still be a cool episode, and I doubt it will completely alienate me. Like, the tag at the end is "Oh shit Bill is back!" which is a thing I care about!

I'd be perfectly fine with Bill and Nardole staying honestly. But I can deal.

Bill can return without her and 13 having to hook up anymore than 12/Clara did.

But this isn't even like that. Bill didn't die in the finale. She got separated from the Doctor. But the door was left wide open for her to return.

She didn't die. Why would it be weird? Also this is a time travel show, so no character's death should completely preclude them from appearing

That's like the difference between me hitch hiking across to a destination vs taking a nap in the back seat of a limo.

I was never attached to it staying 100% true to the source material. And there were a bunch of things that were just logistically impossible for them to translate in live action anyway.

Once Jon died, the show had more or less surpassed what has been published from the source material.


Since Stannis' death, the Faith Militant crisis / the Blackfish/Dorne have been very active threats that have only JUST ended.

As I've said, we don't know the exact time line. But as of 1-2 episodes ago, Dany's army had no means of reaching Westoros and the Faith Militant was still in control of King's Landing.