
Michelle Malkin, Stacey Dash, Tomi Lahren …. nope … I couldn't look at myself in the mirror the next day.

Michelle Malkin, Stacey Dash, Tomi Lahren …. nope … I couldn't look at myself in the mirror the next day.

How does not fucking Nazis create Nazis? Unless you're suggesting my raw sexual prowess can turn the lady-Nazis away from lady-Nazism?

No one should fuck Nazis. But no one should be a Nazi either. This weird resurgence of Nazis in 21st century America means they are naturally in the dating pool

Whether you can be friends, how close your friendship can be, and how long that transition takes … depends entirely on you and the personalities involved.

Me finding out a girl was a Trump supporter or that she had any alt-right leanings would end the relationship no matter how casual or serious, instantly, without explanation.

It is possible that he likes her as a friend, but also wants to bang her. Stranger things have happened

The only thing seperating Damages from anti-hero shows like Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul etc is the two female leads. So yeah … sigh

I loved Season 2.

If it had been another writer perhaps. But Joss Whedon's public image and contributions to pop-culture have advocated feminist causes. So it is worth this part of his personal life is worth unpacking for context.

I loved the first two seasons of this show to an unfathomable degree.

Tormund is the only named wildling left. So he is unlikely to die just because then there would be no reason to care about them anymore.

I don't know these people.

He's actually improved since Iron Fist ….I know … I know

As of episode 7. This show mostly has a grip of the fact that Jessica has no formal martial arts training, just super strength.


I'm actually confounded that people feel the show was moving slowly a lot happened in these first two episodes. They just didn't go directly to the four character team up. But if you watch say … Avengers 1, it takes 1/3 rd of the movie for Thor to show up too

With just 8 episodes, this show was not going to be able to give the supporting characters much to do.