
I doubt he would have been placed in control of Dragonstone or would have fought the Mother of Dragons to defend it.

- It looked to me that Dany's army arrived there ahead of her. So if there were Baratheon holdouts, they most likely fled

- It is unclear how much time has specifically passed since Season 6

It is so weird thinking about people being internet-less then. 2001/2002 me would have gone directly to GameFaqs.

I usually just waited until the next time I was at the mall/book store and peaked into strategy guide. Monthly video game magazines would have codes and walkthroughs too

I saw a full grown adult I've known for years accuse another friend of mine of virtue signaling. He unironically used the term virtue signaling. I couldn't take him seriously again.

Pretty much the only way to do that would be doing a farce like that CSA movie from awhile back.

I didn't like it when I first saw it. My initially hostile opinion is has cooled. But if I get the urge to rewatch this series, I know where I'm going to stop.

I love Batman Begins. But I don't think it is as good as The Dark Knight, but TDK isn't so much better that I contend with this opinion.

I think I saw it in the early 2000s. But I don't remember it well enough to give it a spot.

Yeah, and by the time the truth is revealed, it is a well-established theme of the movie that EVERY magic trick has a simple and disappointing secret and people delude themselves into thinking it is something more transcendent that it could ever realistically be.

Prestige is an insanely well-crafted and internally consistent puzzle box. I know, I've watched it like 20 times. Every second has a purpose.

The Prestige is the most rewatchable movie I've ever watched a billion times. But Inception's concept struck a bigger "I've never seen anything quite like this" chord with me

The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises

In keeping with this season it should be "Hella excited."

I don't see the problem unless you're 17 or something.

You must be fun at parties

There are obviously enough people upset about this to cause a controversy. But also enough people who support the choice/asked for this kind of thing/don't care/will be drawn to watch specifically because of this that BBC went for it.

This, like 1000 percent!

We are already meant to accept big psychological changes between incarnations already. This is only a small leap beyond what we see already for a character that already isn't human