Apparently not.
Apparently not.
I did kind of think that Acker's skirt looked kind of like a jellyfish and kind of like a vagina when it first came onscreen.
I don't think any of us don't like it because it's not dark and cynical enough. We don't like it because it's doing grand whimsy while trying to do darkly cynical at the same time, and not doing it well. Yes, the dark is not cynical enough, but the whimsy is also not nearly grand enough. You can do one or the other or…
@Kumagoro:disqus The Evil Queen's tale is definitely false. Belle is alive and over the cuckoo's nest in Regina's secret psych ward. Everything else you said is correct, though no matter how funny your comment might be, I think most women in the FairyBack world think of dwarves more like children than love interests,…
The choice Grumpy made at the end isn't supposed to be the right choice. The right choice is that you should follow your dreams. Just because it happened in the FairyBack doesn't mean it's supposed to be the Happily Ever After.
I guess everyone forgot the plot of Sidney's episode, where he tricked Emma into believing he was on her side for good. Only the audience saw that he was still Regina's toy.
Ohmigod, only 16 comments, this show has no good grace left. And yet I'm still going to watch it until it's cancelled, because I'm crazy.
@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus Schmidt's stripping in the conference room is straight out of "Coupling."
I see what you did there!
I don't think you're on the same page as @avclub-7f856910abd98a4c188c270155ca33b7:disqus , though. This could lead to the next episode being really good, because Symphony of Illusion was pretty damn good.
It's not untrue.
If I didn't already know what Sam was being chased by from the promotional photos, I would have feared they were going to pull the exact same trick from Yellow Fever. But the way they did it was great, reminiscent, but not a retread. Plus, Sam's scared face is WAY more ridiculous than Dean's, and that's saying…
I literally screamed "Oh my gawd!" when I saw it. I find it more grotesque than terrifying, but regardless, I don't understand why they would find it fit to put in a play place. No wonder Sam developed coulrophobia after being there.
I think they changed it from "the future can be changed" because Simon (and the writers) think that this time loop is so epic and romantic and that's the story they wanted to tell. I think they always told time travel from an emotional place, and that's why I hate it so much! It's not consistent at all and makes very…
That twist was TOTALLY obvious. And I thought the same thing about the Cobalt! I guess that suit had him feeling swanky.
I agree. I think it would have been great if the show veered off regular course for a bit, and after the Hunter's daughter from the other week, I like the idea of Dean dealing with teenage girls as a father figure. Daddy issues come up a lot on this show, but with Dean only briefly on the giving end and I keep wanting…
Your last paragraph: Exactly what went through my head, too. They messed around with the idea a little bit, that maybe, because she is Dean's daughter, she could actually reject her monster heritage and possibly even use it as a Force For Good. Then they tied it to the Amy Pond Incident, restating that monsters must…
I just replied to someone else's comment along these lines, but I feel like everyone is terrified of Nick being a Grimm because of the stories they've heard about Grimms and Nick is just capitalizing on that. But I think he's backed it up a bit already, because there are at least 2 creatures that knew he was working…
I was thinking that the whole time, except for that I forgot Greenwalt wrote for both shows. I think a lot better of that (stealing from yourself), than some hack writer stealing from Buffy (best. show. ever.).
Maybe he's thinking that if the dead guy had bought six more before he was killed, Nick could take the card and get a totally free pizza.