Sunrise SwimsuitSeason

I've been comparing Grimm to Supernatural since the second episode at least. (Especially with young Mama Winchester as a guest star.) At first I thought it was basically a series version of "Bedtime Stories" (the Supernatural fairy tale episode), but now I think of it as Supernatural if it followed a hunter who had a

Agreed. I was worried at first that he was using the reputation of Grimms to bluff with the creatures he got info from, but then the cops ended up killing all the Geiers at the end, so this whole case will be pretty damn good for his own reputation.

It definitely looked like it was a vulture when the doctor lady attacked him. That's when I finally got the significance of the birds pecking out the eyes of the body at the beginning of the episode. (I'm a little slow. :)

But the pilot is so bad! Or at least, the worst episode of the show so far.

I sort of hate to ask it, but do you have a basket?

This episode got me thinking that I wish Emma Caulfield played Regina.

I thought this was a bit more True Grit, Supernatural-style.

I think the Sheriff is the Huntsman.

Ruby was Team Lucifer, too. Just as much if not more so than Lilith.

I agree with the idea that Sam isn't really okay with things as he says at the end of this episode. But my theory is that he's noticed how much internal anguish Dean is going through (as was emphasized with the exchange about Ellen) and decided that he shouldn't punish Dean anymore because Dean is already punishing

You did such an awesome job on this list! The only thing I disagree with are the Henchman, I don't really buy Lilith and Azazel. Maybe Bela and Ruby?

No, s&f didn't do it on purpose, but is trying to convince us of that because being a dick is better than being stupid. But thanks to Mythagoras, the lesson is learned!

I'm a girl, though, so no one cared if I hit them, they weren't all, "Power Rangers are corrupting our youth!"

It was uncool at my school by the time I caught onto it. Everyone was like, "Oh, that's so second grade." They would tease me by going "Doo doo doo-doo doo dooooooo" and I would chase them and hit them if I caught them.

Oh holy hell.

Why's a gorilla wearing a gorilla costume?

Scratch that last theory.

My guess, since Fenric is listed as played by Mark Gatiss who 1) is a writer on the show and 2) already played a character that starred in an episode, is that we will just hear Fenric's voice.

I think Eccleston's Doctor treated it like a death. Maybe not as (melo)dramatic as Tennant, but still with a sense of "It's not really me that's coming back." I've never seen any full regeneration scenes for the other Doctors, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is an exclusive trait of the new era Who.

@avclub-6692e03714de64fbc32753e3312b1071:disqus & @avclub-fcaae931422688b8a0134e51a7a2fb12:disqus That also explains why Amy grows old without needing to eat or anything. The whole "compressed time" BS is exactly what they needed to tell the story they wanted to tell, where Amy gets abandoned in time (again) and not