Sunrise SwimsuitSeason

I just saw the cheese guy! Thank you, internet!! (And you were close, it's at 22:39.)

I don't know if I want to go with the Ganger theory either, BUT, the Doctor made a big point of trying to prove whether Amy could tell Ganger!Doctor apart from him. Maybe he was doing that to prove to himself how much Gangers could fool people, so he could use a Ganger to fake his own death. The reason everyone in the

They had a habit of doing things last minute. That one Justice guy got to the Ponds practically seconds before the Antibodies were going to kill them.

She also regenerated 6 months after the events in Day of the Moon.

I've been wondering… how was River at the wedding? How did River exist with the TARDIS journal if the universe existed without the Doctor until Amy remembered him? Must she have come from some other universe? Also, I wonder at what point in River's timeline she goes to her parents' wedding.

I can't find the article, but I remember reading, back when River was first introduced to the show and Moffat was taking over, Moffat said she was definitely not a Time Lord.

You're right. Actually, Amelia/Voice Interface says it has been "disabled". New theory! Mels shot the console on purpose, knowing that it would disable regeneration, making it possible for her to assassinate the Doctor.

"Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler, in the middle of New York."

When does the Doctor say she's around 400 years old? Just curious.

I read a theory that regeneration may be connected to the TARDIS, so maybe since the TARDIS was busted, that was one of the systems effected?

From "The Time of Angels"-

He always could have gone back to the wedding in a scene we have yet to see (like the jacketless scene from last season or the clothing discrepancies from Day of the Moon). Maybe it's a well Moffat won't want to dip into again, but I keep wondering if the clothing will continue to be clues, like the coat the Doctor

I'm pretty certain that we're watching the show in order from Amy and Rory's point of view. Just like how Moffat likens the show to seeing the Doctor through the companions, we're experiencing the show through Amy and Rory's timeline.

I'm really curious as to what this means as far as how River aged. If the last time she regenerated was the scene we saw at the end of Day of the Moon, then over 2 decades passed until she met Amy and Rory as children, in which she was still a child. She did say, after regenerating into Alex Kingston, that she was