Sunrise SwimsuitSeason

So I'm finally all caught up with season 2 and these reviews. Writing in to comment that I also hope you continue reviewing the rest of the show and I will follow right along with season 3. Don't let me down, Brandon Norwalk, and keep writing. Your reviews are amazing!

So I'm finally all caught up with season 2 and these reviews. Writing in to comment that I also hope you continue reviewing the rest of the show and I will follow right along with season 3. Don't let me down, Brandon Norwalk, and keep writing. Your reviews are amazing!

I think it's that Wesen can either shift in front of humans deliberately OR when their emotions are incredibly intense (moreso than when they shift in front of a Grimm), which I suspect is a subconsious decision to be seen and basically the same thing as the former.

I think it's that Wesen can either shift in front of humans deliberately OR when their emotions are incredibly intense (moreso than when they shift in front of a Grimm), which I suspect is a subconsious decision to be seen and basically the same thing as the former.

I'm leaning surfer dude, too, but if it WAS the barista, I don't think he'd be doing it out of niceness. He'd be doing it to keep her out of his damn coffeehouse.

I'm leaning surfer dude, too, but if it WAS the barista, I don't think he'd be doing it out of niceness. He'd be doing it to keep her out of his damn coffeehouse.

My friend pointed out to me once all the movies where a romance happens basically because someone was being a complete stalker and everyone just takes it as the most romantic thing in the world, so that's actually something I like about this show: The main character addresses the creepy factor of Hubbell (and I really

My friend pointed out to me once all the movies where a romance happens basically because someone was being a complete stalker and everyone just takes it as the most romantic thing in the world, so that's actually something I like about this show: The main character addresses the creepy factor of Hubbell (and I really

I would like to ask every cover-judger what they think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Have we at least not learned out lesson from that?

I would like to ask every cover-judger what they think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Have we at least not learned out lesson from that?

I had the exact same reaction to the exact same part! Hooked for life.

I had the exact same reaction to the exact same part! Hooked for life.

I don't watch Grey's Anatomy and was hoping for a second that you were saying a plane actually crashed into a shark, and then the doctors had to save crash survivors that had almost been eaten underwater.

I don't watch Grey's Anatomy and was hoping for a second that you were saying a plane actually crashed into a shark, and then the doctors had to save crash survivors that had almost been eaten underwater.

What if Cas was taken? Damsel-in-distress, I'm calling it!

What if Cas was taken? Damsel-in-distress, I'm calling it!

Well, he worked with the Campbells. And I have the feeling he mostly worked for the Campbells, because without a soul he didn't really seem motivated to find his own cases.

Well, he worked with the Campbells. And I have the feeling he mostly worked for the Campbells, because without a soul he didn't really seem motivated to find his own cases.

@avclub-539dd8f0bef239887a73fd3b475a07c0:disqus 40 years. (How biblical.) 30 as torturee, 10 as torturer.

@avclub-539dd8f0bef239887a73fd3b475a07c0:disqus 40 years. (How biblical.) 30 as torturee, 10 as torturer.