
Blessedly, SyFy has no hand in producing this. They just get to dub over the swearing.

It's a flawed, scruffy little mongrel of a thing, but it's grown on me like nothing else has for years. I can't remember the last show I actually looked forward to seeing every week, rather than just boxsetting. It's made on cab fare budget and some of the acting is dire, but when it's on, it's really on, and you

Kenzi's dislike of Lauren kind of makes sense to me in the sense that she clearly has a kind of crush on Dyson, so he gets a pass Lauren doesn't. Sucks for Lauren, and it is irrational, but it makes sense for the character.

You know what, the "For Women" line was cunty and imprecise on my part, I was just a bit cranked.

That sure does sound like a completely plausible reason to abruptly pull up coverage on a show two episodes into a new season. Yup.

After it was deconsecrated as a church, it served as a Freemason hall. So it was later, but "true" to the building, if that makes sense. Which, to be honest, I find as cool as the church thing, in terms of wanting to live in a building invested with a bit of historical funkiness.

God, it bothers me so much that people still hold up Willow and Tara as a high watermark for lesbian relationships on TV. They were a nice gesture from Team Whedon, and it was a nice little pop culture milestone and all, but… they were completely sexless, Tara's characterisation was nonexistant and Alyson Hannigan was

Just to be absolutely clear, I never said and don't believe that like, no man could do this show justice or something, just that this particular reviewer may not be the fit for the job. Not because he'd like it more if he had a better grounding in the stuff it does, but because I don't think you can say whether

But like… he literally didn't get it. He totally misunderstood the purpose of the Amazon guards, for instance, and the assumption that every apparently misogynistic device that occurred was purely a contrivance by the show itself* inarguably colored his opinion of the episode overall.

I'm gonna make a giant post that's annoyingly po-faced about something ridiculous.

Yeah. I feel like if they couldn't have gone for the big action blow out, they might have tried for a smarter solution. Some of the show's low budget cons have lent the show a lot - the travel agent, for instance, was a joy to behold. And it was a real shame that the Garuda didn't live up to the immense coolness of

Yeah. I feel like if they couldn't have gone for the big action blow out, they might have tried for a smarter solution. Some of the show's low budget cons have lent the show a lot - the travel agent, for instance, was a joy to behold. And it was a real shame that the Garuda didn't live up to the immense coolness of

This is my second watch through of S2, and one of the things that really struck me is how much better the fight choreography and action generally was in the first half of the season. If you compare the stuff we're seeing now with the Bo/Lachlan swordfight in the mid season episode, for instance, the contrast is pretty

This is my second watch through of S2, and one of the things that really struck me is how much better the fight choreography and action generally was in the first half of the season. If you compare the stuff we're seeing now with the Bo/Lachlan swordfight in the mid season episode, for instance, the contrast is pretty

Yeah, I could have bought it as a kind of stunned, shock reaction to just walk out like that, given Bo's issues about killing humans, but then when she was just shown back with Kenzi it made the whole thing even more "wtf?"

Yeah, I could have bought it as a kind of stunned, shock reaction to just walk out like that, given Bo's issues about killing humans, but then when she was just shown back with Kenzi it made the whole thing even more "wtf?"

lol, yeah. Like, Bo and Kenzi sit around commiserating about a tough Monday at work as if THEY'VE had the worst day ever. Meanwhile Lauren is sitting at home on her own, sobbing as she leafs through her filofax to make arrangements for the body.

lol, yeah. Like, Bo and Kenzi sit around commiserating about a tough Monday at work as if THEY'VE had the worst day ever. Meanwhile Lauren is sitting at home on her own, sobbing as she leafs through her filofax to make arrangements for the body.

I kind of expected more people to be as baffled as I was that Bo killed Nadia and was just "Well that's that, later Lauren, I'm off to chill with Kenzi."

I kind of expected more people to be as baffled as I was that Bo killed Nadia and was just "Well that's that, later Lauren, I'm off to chill with Kenzi."