
Jesus Christ. I just had a vision of the poster. Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ. I just had a vision of the poster. Jesus Christ.

Several thousand honorary lesbian points to you, Mr. McFarland.

Several thousand honorary lesbian points to you, Mr. McFarland.

Kenzi might not give a damn about them, but the Fae do. Telling Nate wouldn't just be breaking the rules, it would be getting him either killed or enslaved.

Kenzi might not give a damn about them, but the Fae do. Telling Nate wouldn't just be breaking the rules, it would be getting him either killed or enslaved.

It would/will be interesting to see what they're going to do with Dyson next season. Once they locked themselves into the stupid wolves-mate-for-life thing they made him simultaneously a terrible partner for Bo and incapable of being reworked with another love interest; which is a neat trick. He weakens Bo as a

It would/will be interesting to see what they're going to do with Dyson next season. Once they locked themselves into the stupid wolves-mate-for-life thing they made him simultaneously a terrible partner for Bo and incapable of being reworked with another love interest; which is a neat trick. He weakens Bo as a

Almost everything that comes up in the show does have some basis in some mythology, which is kind of amazing. A lot of the oddest bits that people find excessively weird - and even a lot of stuff that passes people by - come from somewhere. I'm pretty sure Vex and his power is the only thing that was wholly made up

Almost everything that comes up in the show does have some basis in some mythology, which is kind of amazing. A lot of the oddest bits that people find excessively weird - and even a lot of stuff that passes people by - come from somewhere. I'm pretty sure Vex and his power is the only thing that was wholly made up

I have a lot of problems with season 2 but I've whined about them before. One thing I did like, was that from around the mid point, and particularly regarding the whole Lauren/Nadia sub plot, Bo grew into a character I genuinely liked, rather than just being Generic Sexy Badass Action Heroine.

I have a lot of problems with season 2 but I've whined about them before. One thing I did like, was that from around the mid point, and particularly regarding the whole Lauren/Nadia sub plot, Bo grew into a character I genuinely liked, rather than just being Generic Sexy Badass Action Heroine.

That seems to be a matter of polar opinion, to be honest. I much preferred the first half season to the second. The overarching plot asserts itself a bit more clearly, but some of the writing is really messy and characters do completely mental things out of the blue.

That seems to be a matter of polar opinion, to be honest. I much preferred the first half season to the second. The overarching plot asserts itself a bit more clearly, but some of the writing is really messy and characters do completely mental things out of the blue.

It's a freaking crime Runaways can't get off the ground. Vaughan's run was one of the best things to happen superhero comics in years, and it's got a real punky sense of energy that reminds me a lot of the UK's Misfits.

It's a freaking crime Runaways can't get off the ground. Vaughan's run was one of the best things to happen superhero comics in years, and it's got a real punky sense of energy that reminds me a lot of the UK's Misfits.

Exactly. Confusing team names aside, the Light aren't "good guys". They don't think more of humans than the Dark, they're just a bit more bureaucratic about when it's acceptable to kill or exploit them.

Exactly. Confusing team names aside, the Light aren't "good guys". They don't think more of humans than the Dark, they're just a bit more bureaucratic about when it's acceptable to kill or exploit them.

The reviewer grading for this show is a mystery to me. As patchy as the later season gets, this episode was still one of the weakest.

The reviewer grading for this show is a mystery to me. As patchy as the later season gets, this episode was still one of the weakest.