
I've been falling in that trap too. Back in the early 2000s I used to love to just dip into this site and find out about movies I hadn't heard of, or books that sound fun to read, or certain directors' work I may have missed. There was a joy to the site. The goal was a discourse about material. People sharing things

No need to set up false dilemmas. Considering your tone, you've already passed judgment on TV culture as a whole. Balanced reviews are always more satisfying than potshots at easy targets.

No need to set up false dilemmas. Considering your tone, you've already passed judgment on TV culture as a whole. Balanced reviews are always more satisfying than potshots at easy targets.

Primers, Random Roles(which can still be solid), the sci-fi box of paperbacks was amazing, any number of interviews that weren't buried in leading questions (Teri Garr and Bronson Pinchot, I think around the same time). Even My Year of Flops was solid, until Rabin reached his 2010-? nadir with more terrible hacky gags

Primers, Random Roles(which can still be solid), the sci-fi box of paperbacks was amazing, any number of interviews that weren't buried in leading questions (Teri Garr and Bronson Pinchot, I think around the same time). Even My Year of Flops was solid, until Rabin reached his 2010-? nadir with more terrible hacky gags

Absolutely beautiful design. In IMAX, absolutely breathtaking. First 45 minutes or so were exactly what I dreamed of. Then the plot kicks in and makes no goddamn sense. Why would NOBODY mention or deal with the super-fetus in that chamber. Why would Theron just KEEP one of those surgery mech things in her private

Absolutely beautiful design. In IMAX, absolutely breathtaking. First 45 minutes or so were exactly what I dreamed of. Then the plot kicks in and makes no goddamn sense. Why would NOBODY mention or deal with the super-fetus in that chamber. Why would Theron just KEEP one of those surgery mech things in her private

What an ugly ass argument. Watching people rip on something is unsufferable. I used to pull that shit with my douchey friends in college. We'd catch matinees of Coyote Ugly and Bring it On and snark our way through it. I look back at that part of my life in disgust.

What an ugly ass argument. Watching people rip on something is unsufferable. I used to pull that shit with my douchey friends in college. We'd catch matinees of Coyote Ugly and Bring it On and snark our way through it. I look back at that part of my life in disgust.

Didn't even know Miami Vice had a director's cut. The opening club scene was one of the best parts of a striking film. The plot is basic, but the movie is all about the atmosphere. Glad I only caught the theatrical cut there.

Didn't even know Miami Vice had a director's cut. The opening club scene was one of the best parts of a striking film. The plot is basic, but the movie is all about the atmosphere. Glad I only caught the theatrical cut there.

And the closing song as everybody is getting assimilated. Beautiful stuff.

And the closing song as everybody is getting assimilated. Beautiful stuff.

Definitely agree with Blade Runner's cut. Decker's narrative was just painful to watch. My first experience was actually with the purchase of a VHS copy of the director's cut and didn't actually catch the theatrical version til many years later. The Blu-Ray Transfer is gorgeous.

Definitely agree with Blade Runner's cut. Decker's narrative was just painful to watch. My first experience was actually with the purchase of a VHS copy of the director's cut and didn't actually catch the theatrical version til many years later. The Blu-Ray Transfer is gorgeous.

Nope, he's terrible.

Nope, he's terrible.

He's been through some hard livin' , that's for damn sure.

He's been through some hard livin' , that's for damn sure.

Streakdome has too many classic moments to count. Jay Johnston doing the crony whisper over David's shoulder. David's "Oo lah lah," when Bob puts on the shirt. Classic.