

"a move indicative of said canniness"

Did Chloe have some work done? Face looking creepily tight. At that age? sigh…

Wow. What an awkward, ugly film.

Whoooole lotta dick sucking in that intro…

Good call about Nicole Kidman. You get the feeling that she just kind of drifts around the house making passive catty comments wherever she goes. What mother gets through eighteen years and never brushes her daughter's goddamn hair? And that  poisonous statement about how she can't wait for life to wreck he daughter…

How great is this. Pure joy.Well done, Jake Austen.

Holy SHIT, that is a remarkably concise, insightful assessment to the show and the hyperbolic response it's been getting . No sarcasm, Lew just dropped some truth.

Brave choice.

Brave choice.

Tom Scharpling- Best of the Best Show. What a library to pull from…

Tom Scharpling- Best of the Best Show. What a library to pull from…

The SNES game was actually developed a few years after the Genesis one. The Genesis version was great. Clean aesthetic style, fantastic music, and the ability to shoot up and down. THe SNES has completely different level design, enemies, and a double jump instead of the multi-direction aim. I'm really digging it and

The SNES game was actually developed a few years after the Genesis one. The Genesis version was great. Clean aesthetic style, fantastic music, and the ability to shoot up and down. THe SNES has completely different level design, enemies, and a double jump instead of the multi-direction aim. I'm really digging it and

Trying something a little different. Big fan of the show Game Center CX. Arino (aka The Kacho) plays through classic games, visits old retro game rooms and other assorted activities. You get to see a guy work through a classic 8/16-bit game and actually ENJOY the experience. It's edited beautifully and it's infinitely

Trying something a little different. Big fan of the show Game Center CX. Arino (aka The Kacho) plays through classic games, visits old retro game rooms and other assorted activities. You get to see a guy work through a classic 8/16-bit game and actually ENJOY the experience. It's edited beautifully and it's infinitely

Naw, no dubbing in Korea, just my lame understanding.

Naw, no dubbing in Korea, just my lame understanding.

The voice of GERTY? Well, whaddayaknow…

The voice of GERTY? Well, whaddayaknow…