
@avclub-f1b3192eb719b96fd0f4ae89e0c97476:disqus -I did the same thing. Soooo, Skunk Ape, did you enjoy that? Posting about Bible Black and then editing it to Kon…that's what happened right? I'm so CONFUSED

I LOVE the double standard people make about subtitles in animataion versus live action films. Just like any form of interpretation, the more you do it, the easier it gets. It's not distracting once you get used to the format.
 @@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus - Even if they record the voices

Christ, I was grinding my teeth through that entire travesty. These "profound" insights are basically lame observations about the human condition that are backed by a black shirt and a sound bite. I HATE comedians masquerading as truth tellers. Get to the damn jokes.

That four kids crack just went too far. His material can be fun, but his "Food, amiright?" motif and internal monologue are stretching a little thin. Using his kids as part of his appeal is low and disappointing from such an affable guy. Bleh.

Hell, I have no problem being that guy. Everything from the cadence to the expressiveness of the original language is lost in a dub. Has anybody seen syndicated English programs done with an Italian, Japanese, or Korean dub? Regardless of how well the dub is developed, it's already at a disadvantage. Why settle for

Anger is a lager? Huh?

Um, no, don't. Look up Satoshi Kon's work. Sophisticated, abstract, mature without being overly pretentious. Also, delightfully fucking odd. Perfect Blue or Millenium Actress is a good start. Paprika would be a deeper cut.

I suggest Nier on 360 or PS3 if you are looking for something engrossing and surprising. Basically an action-RPG with homages to a slew of different genres but completely subverts itself at the end of the first playthrough. Reasonable mechanics, great characterization, beautiful score, and twisty plot. Good stuff.

This game and Darksiders both seem to be establishing a new genre: dull rehashes influenced by terrible comic artists of the 90s. I'm waiting for a Youngblood RTS with designs by Rob Liefeld that blatantly copies Disgaea.

Nice. THIS is the information I was looking for. Slogging side-quests I can live with, since I'm plenty OCD myself, with the Dragon Age games and whatnot. If there is no real character or personality to the surroundings, why bother. I go to God of War and Bayonetta for combat. I go to RPGs for everything this game

I enjoy a solid RPG myself. I actually enjoyed the Fable series but I honestly never got into open world Elder Scrolls type games. I like getting immersed in characters and plot developments, like JRPGs and Bioware's recent efforts. This one, I dunno. The combat system seems fun I guess.

Wow. This is a REALLY gushy review. I'd say the aesthetics would be the last thing to brag about. Everything about this game seems remarkably bland and derivative. Honestly, I play these  kinds of games for the story. Is this actually worth checking out or is it getting a pass because of the dense amount of material

I think Keith hit on Tatum's key quality:earnestness. There's such a simple honesty to his effort that you've just got to like him. I really liked his performance in Fighting, which was simple and sweet and tailored to his sweet lummox persona. Hope he can dig himself out of shitty romance films.

I dunno. I'd rather spin it like Shafer has already proven himself with some great product. With the cost of development skyrocketing, major companies wouldn't touch the adventure genre, much less with Schafer, who's had trouble getting anybody to buy his excellent products which have been stuck in development hell.

Yeah. The thing is that AV Club snark wasn't always so all-encompassing. It used to be a place to mock elements of pop culture AND praise interesting art and events. The latter has been in slow fade mode for the past four to five years.

Warms my heart. Psychonauts, Brutal Legend: both completely realized games with unique tones, atmospheres, and gameplay. Tons of personality, memorable characters, and complete busts at retail. This is the kind of support Schafer has always deserved. Awesome.

Excellent write-up. I love that you mention the one characteristic that elevates this above other Jody Hill vehicles: you are never quite sure where you should stand as an audience member with Rogen. Danny McBride is a caricature, but there are some elements of basic humanity that make Rogen's performance much more

"…Alan Moore is sort of a windbag."
Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

Jason, Kurt Vile is awesome and done something productive with his life. Mit Hamine is a glorious disaster that is embracing the heel role vacated by Spike. You HAVE listened to the show before, haven't you?

You are my hero.