
Really? We're encouraging this? It's a list topic? Snark done right?…..huh.

Soooo Semley's pissing all over Dark Knight and Drive and considers Taken great. Because of the lack of pretension. Taken is an ugly mess. Unstoppable was decent but every stylized shot Scott takes is more pretentious than anything seen in Drive. I'm still pretty pissed that you use the term "boot-licking" in

Just tossing this out there. The first two Broken Sword games deserve a lot of love as well. Gorgeous backdrops, fun characters, atmospheric music, relatively dry sense of humor. Good stuff.

I LOVE the restrained take Syberia puts into the adventure game. It's all about the atmosphere and musical cues and the slow burn of character development. That being said, the second one was a bit of a disappointment. The puzzles and pacing seemed more haphazard. Weren't they originally planning a trilogy and had to

No Depravity's Rainbow coverage? Oh well.

THAT's the line. Awesome. To be fair, Popeye's also pretty damn tasty

Aw, you should have kept it. It was adorable. Great write-up. I always felt a little melancholy watching this film. Also, I resisted it for the longest time because of how much it was embraced by the pretentious stoner types that infested my neck of the woods…..Can't wait to see what you do with Observe and Report.

I eat at Popeye's cause it's fucking delicious.

Observe and Report!!! Christ, I love that film. Black as hell, great music, slowmo donk, and a gunshot in your fucking face right before the closing title. Slows down a bit with the alcoholic mother, but I can't see how people could laud Eastbound and Down and not give this some love as well.

"…nothing more or less profound than a group of friends driving off to get Aerosmith tickets…"


Does this need to go on? Seriously? Anybody who hasn't written off Cook already isn't going to be converted by another snarky diatribe by Sean. I know I shouldn't be expecting hard news in the Newswire, but I also think there could be another place for Sean to spew…Maybe we could start a Great Job, Sean! section?

I feel validated. Cook apologists, good luck.

Shit just got real. I downloaded an episode of GCCX approximately 10 hours ago. That…..may have been that tipped the scales. 2012 was motherfuking RIGHT!!!

Thanks for the reminder. I knew they partnered up, but I saw the name and didn't bother checking to see that this was basically a transcript of the podcast material. Good stuff.

Jesse Thorn? Of Jordan, Jesse Go? Is he on staff now? Questions, questions, questions.

Please don't place the Rothrock curse on her. How about a Zoe Bell blessing?

I'm pretty sure they had an effect not just through syndication and youtube clips. Quite a few out there, such as the one you found. Quite a treasure trove. Rebecca Sealfon is not human…

Amazing article, Noel. Soooo comprehensive. Were you able to meet The Sklars in person,or over the phone? If the latter, were you able to differentiate between them easily, or did they constantly have to label each other?