
My favorite beam!!

Midnight in Paris?? Red State?? Goddammit, Tarantino, stop pissing me off. I respect your work too much to blithely accept this. It's nice to see Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes on there. Fun stuff, that.

Is Shantae also worth checking out? I like the idea of this company, but I do get worried when this much hyperbole is attached to one company.


Does being self-aware even count for anything anymore? Everything's so damn meta at this point that any tool can "get a pass" if they are aware of how fucking annoying they are. "I'm holding up a mirror to society, maaaaaan."

Meh. I honestly could care less about this show. I just think Todd could have just linked to another article that addressed the issue coherently and (relatively speaking objectively). This is a sprawling mess that ends with Todd on his own little soapbox about the terrors of King. Of course King is an asshole. But

Soooo, the AV Club is now about personal vendettas when somebody ruffles their feathers at a press conference? Ugh. Edit.

"I'm dead"
"Oh ho ho!!"

GAAAHHHHH!!!!! But I'm watching The Fighter this weekend. I can still do that, right?

"Much of The Best Show relies on calls from listeners, so yeah, that part does write itself. "
Wow. What I think needs to be acknowledged here is how well Tom wrangles each and every call. He doesn't pander like so many other call-in shows, nor does he randomly attack every listener. He will acknowledge Quality Callers

Didn't Milla Jovovich also have some bland, shitty faux horror doc last year? Is this a thing?

" (Scharpling) mock(s) the overly effusive praise of Louie (and sound jealous in the process)".
Christ, this Justin Diamond is such a petty dick. Tom brings so much kickass shit and it's turds like this that just try to whittle him down. Jesus, I'm pissed. Mohammed, I need a nap.

Excellent review, Mr. Rabin.

is a fantasia of reactionary French conservatism and historical
political impotence, imagined through its sleek, deceptively
well-mannered avatar of American foreign policy."Ugh. You

Luc Besson’s exceptional, Albania-phobic 2008 throat-puncher Taken…"

Christ, this show seems adorable.

Here's the issue I have with WTF. I think it sets a pretty sad precedent that a remarkably mediocre comedian finds success, not because of any original or interesting material, but by airing out as many celebrity/comedian's dirty laundry. It takes SKILL to create, and Maron has none of it. Other comedians also use

Honestly, I JUST picked up a PSP once I realized how many titles it had I would actually want to play. Hammerin' Hero/Gen-san and Half-Minute Hero are on the back-burner.

I was curious if Kenka had any direct relationship with the Kunio-Kun games. I'm aware of Fire Pro Wrestling as far as Suda's involvement with the remarkably depressing storyline in three. Gachitora sounds fantastic. Are the series related thematically, or is there any overlap in characters?

"And as for your point about Western games in general getting good scores in the Japanese press, that applies to Japanese games in Western press too."