
That Baldwin pic negates any possibility of you making a comment that isn't dripping with easy, snarky, bullshit.

Spot on. XSeed's translations keep getting better. Have you gone through Trails in the Sky yet? Going through that and Kenka Banchou. Atlus and XSeed, please keep doing what your doing.

Thanks for making my point. Your general assumption is that Western games are ignored because of a cultural difference. If you look at the scores and feedback western games get in Japanese reviews, that's not the case.

Shadows of the Damned, Catherine, and Ghost Trick in the Top Ten? El Shaddai and Ghost Trick as staff picks? I've been up and down about the reviews on this site and occasional xenophobic lurch against Japanese games that a lot of reviewers seem to have these days. However, this really made my night.

Go screw, O'Neal. Speed Racer was rad.

Rabin's shtick….so lame……tinsel with an attitude…..Christ…….just review…….the shitty movie……

So D'Angelo finds darkness in a Capra film surprising? This is not a revelation. It goes to dark places, always has. What the hell do you mean by middle-class compromise? Ugh. This is the AV equivalent of someone jumping into your dorm to tell you about listening to Pink Floyd during Wizard of Oz.


Also, Noel remains the bright Christmas light of thoughtful sensitive write-ups amid the icy torrents of cheap AV Club sarcasm and hyperbole. Merry Christmas, Mr. Murray. Dragnet was rad. Didn't the Blue Boy episode get written up before as well?

CHEAP SEATS!!!! Nothing better to ring in the new year than Sklar riffage and men in tight, tiny shorts.  Very special indeed…

What made the Christmas work was the reverence for the source material, i.e. the songs. The Halloween and Easter were technically interesting as far as the visuals but also incredibly ugly and uncomfortable. My favorite Vinton work remains The Adventures of Mark Twain, which I believe was written up here at some point…

We could not afford cable, so we would catch Nickelodeon at our grandparents', so we'd get a run of Danger Mouse, Bananaman and The Racoon and something would always seem odd, wonderful and alien about these programs. Danger Mouse was the one w kept coming back too. R.I.P. Mak Hall

When those extra fingers slowly rot off….stuff of nightmares…

Awesome, awesome awesome. Can we hire this guy to replace Marah? Anybody?

And when we look back and ask, "At which point did the AV Club lose all critical perspective?" This will be at LEAST Exhibit c. A twilight apologist essay, for Christ's sake…

Thank you so much, Noel. It's hard to find in-depth commentary in a website that is growing more and more reactionary. I LOVED the second film and the Wachowskis have put so much heart into everything they've created. So much of this could have been a lazy homage but they have a story to tell in an interesting and

Deepak Chopra….there's a winner.
And sermons don't go down easy, and I'm guessing this "message movie" won't do much better. Do we still have to attribute a basic adventure formula to Campbell? I think it's time to move on to analyzing other movie tropes.

"…they’ll bump into creepy mentally handicapped girls…"

Hark has always been at his best throwing whatever he find aesthetically appealing against the wall. If this has any of the batshit awesomeness of Dragon Inn, I'm there. I thought by the title that this would be another Harry Potter cash-in, but I was pleasantly surprised by seeing a pick of Lau kicking ass

"the most intensely emotional scene ever played out by a man, a woman, and a beaver puppet"