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    This seems like a glaringly obvious plot hole from last week that, disappointingly, has not been addressed.

    @avclub-5464de04a20d6f48ab22695edf00475e:disqus I want a Matthews/Masuka spin-off where they cruise Miami saying inappropriate, sexist, racist, and offensive things. The opening credits is just Masuka's laugh.

    @avclub-5464de04a20d6f48ab22695edf00475e:disqus I want a Matthews/Masuka spin-off where they cruise Miami saying inappropriate, sexist, racist, and offensive things. The opening credits is just Masuka's laugh.

    I believe the cops were following Hector, not Dexter. (Although, presumably, the cops would have seen him meet up with Dexter. Then again, this is Dexter, so probably not.)

    I believe the cops were following Hector, not Dexter. (Although, presumably, the cops would have seen him meet up with Dexter. Then again, this is Dexter, so probably not.)

    Feminism 095: The Rhetoric of Subjugation. It's like, totally unfair!

    Feminism 095: The Rhetoric of Subjugation. It's like, totally unfair!

    The preview is a perfect snapshot of Chris's time on the series: completely irrelevant and oblivious. I mean, come on, he's asleep! With his mouth open! While his mom makes a worrisome face in bed next to him!

    The preview is a perfect snapshot of Chris's time on the series: completely irrelevant and oblivious. I mean, come on, he's asleep! With his mouth open! While his mom makes a worrisome face in bed next to him!

    I was also waiting for Quinn to strike while Jessica and Brody were in the car. I was so focused on the impending shot that the dramatic tension of their marriage ending was less impactful.

    I was also waiting for Quinn to strike while Jessica and Brody were in the car. I was so focused on the impending shot that the dramatic tension of their marriage ending was less impactful.

    My toddler is very shy around strangers, like Harrison. Makes sense to me.

    My toddler is very shy around strangers, like Harrison. Makes sense to me.



    Thank you!! Glad to see I'm not alone in this thought.

    Thank you!! Glad to see I'm not alone in this thought.

    I don't have the confidence that the Dexter writers will return to the Phantom Arsonist and actually have him recall being wrapped up in plastic, or what Dexter looked like, or what his voice sounded like. I hope it does, for the sake of logic, but the previews didn't hint at this, either, which makes me skeptical.

    I don't have the confidence that the Dexter writers will return to the Phantom Arsonist and actually have him recall being wrapped up in plastic, or what Dexter looked like, or what his voice sounded like. I hope it does, for the sake of logic, but the previews didn't hint at this, either, which makes me skeptical.

    Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.