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    I thought Zoe Deschanel looked a little…less than sober.

    Far too reasoned a response for the internet.

    @avclub-39e618ce785b1a71f85e4351beeda4a7:disqus I believe Forster was referring to Skyler's neighbor at her new place, not the neighbor he greets at the gated Heisenberg estate. Because her new place is less-than-picture-perfect-suburbia, I don't think the neighbor watching Holly is as comforting as Carol.

    @avclub-39e618ce785b1a71f85e4351beeda4a7:disqus I buy Todd as evil and chilling and creepy. I don't buy Todd as someone constantly intervening at the 11th hour to save people's lives for relatively weak reasons. I'm not sure why he's really keeping Jesse alive, but I hope there's a larger plan revealed next week. If

    I'm only committing to one show in the 9pm CST hour: Blacklist or Hostages. I'm thinking Blacklist. Anyone else?

    @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , I saw your references tonight to your Emmy predictions theory on twitter. What's the theory? Curious minds who aren't ready to sleep after BB want to know…

    I have no idea who the ricin is for—genuinely no clue. I'm glad they've managed to keep some uncertainty heading into the finale.

    I agree, and I hope that's the last we see of Gretchen and Elliot. There's a lot of ground to cover in the final episode, and I think their plot can close itself out now.

    I've seen Todd's references to Emmy patterns and who will (never) win. What's his theory? I missed this somewhere along the way.

    Barely tangential question: I have not watched Person of Interest before. Is this the kind of show that I can pick up this season, knowing almost nothing about it except that it's supposed to be good?

    A little late to the happy party, but Bill Anderson and Brian Schroeder, TV announcers for my Milwaukee Brewers. I watch almost every game. I've been a casual fan for my adult life, but I've been a super fan for the last three years, coinciding with baby EHB's birth (on in the delivery room, on all maternity leave).

    Two days later and I'm still not sure if you're joking, but Bethany is not an unusual name. Went to school with a few of them.

    My husband's BFF became a vegan because he wanted to quit fast food. He says he didn't have the willpower to just up and quit fast food on his own, so he came a vegan. Dude, just skip the drive thru. Don't give up steak and chicken.

    I worked in the academic support services office at a small university. We had a potential student with SEVERE autism, among other chronic health issues. He couldn't communicate (nonverbal, no sign language, couldn't type his three-letter name) couldn't be left alone, couldn't read, couldn't put a stamp on an envelope

    Where did you find the new TV section? I was expecting it near the TV Club. (It's a Monday, and I'm not really trying that hard.)

    I like her in the former-porn-stars-turned-internet-ads skits. Other than that, meh. I really like Kate McKinnon, though, and I would rather have seen her get a chance at the desk.

    I think people confuse "recall" with "democracy." Sometimes elected officials vote in ways that we don't agree with. That's what elections are for; the case in Colorado was not worthy of a recall (says someone who does not live in Colorado and only followed the story intermittently).

    One of the great unknowns of the show. See also: how does a child survive a gut shot on summer vacation? What was the deal with all those heads in aquariums? Why are all non-Carol women harpies? What happened to the Atlanta region's black population? How is everyone so (relatively) well kept and hygienic? Where is all

    @avclub-c70044e2a75b836382fdcd39520ff0ab:disqus Can you help me connect the dots on this one? Why would Walt come back to rescue Jesse after giving Jesse up for whatever torture and death the Nazis had in store for him?

    Will T-Dog avatar be resurrected for TWD?? Yee Yee, I hardly recognized ye.