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    My husband has convinced himself that a pair of Allen Edmonds is a must-have for his business casual attire. They will alleviate his crippling leg pain! (I suggested he stretch before/after running, skip the squats, and not chase our toddler around on his hands and knees, but that was met with skepticism.) Apparently

    Have you been working on this, or did it come to you all at once in this episode? It's brilliant, and I'm trying to figure out what level of brilliance.

    That was a point of confusion for me at first, too. I think the customers are supposed to give the receipt to the guys actually washing the cars, so they know what level of service to perform. Maybe?

    Well then I'm ready to mail it in beginning Monday! We'll be great together.

    This made me really sad. And then I read @avclub-a14343d7aea171bddd5aa6b80e500fd3:disqus 's post below, and now I'm going to cry in my ice cream.

    I'll be your secretary, as long as you don't mind me fucking around on AV Club for half the day.

    True story @avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus : I live next door to his daughter. She mows the lawn at 10pm.

    My Brewers are not doing well, and I still watch faithfully. I do have a nerd crush on the announcer, though (Brian Anderson, not Bob Uecker).

    There is no way BB could go Dexter-level bad with only four episodes to go. Simply not possible—Dexter is just *that* awful.

    At about 8-10 years old, I made it my goal to read through an entire Guinness World Records book. I abandoned the effort after page 32, in the midst of sea anemone growth records. I probably thought every page would be obese twins on motorcycles or curling fingernails.

    Next up: I don't even own a Syria!

    My experience is that if people were *really* that bad—disrupting the show and the comedian's ability to move on with the show—that facility management will remove those people. Hecklers are to be expected, and Chappelle has been around long enough to know that.

    I get what Chappelle is saying with the tiger show analogy, but I don't really think people pay to see Chappelle wind down the clock like a petulant child.

    It's a meme, not a literal interpretation of the events of Season 2.

    Just to clarify, open online courses aren't necessarily targeting students at the particular campus from which they're taught (MOOCs are usually designed for students outside the university's enrollment). "Useless college courses" aside, this is more of a marketing initiative aimed at basement-dwelling TWD nerds

    Seriously, no. Relax, friend.

    Given the overreactions to this piece below, I think a "it's a joke" reminder is more than warranted.

    It's a joke. The ending is not actually spoiled.

    Do the various flash forwards take some of the threat out of this tape for anyone else? If Walt's house is gated, tagged, and abandoned sometime within the next ~9 months, the videotape seems less potent than it could be without those flash forwards.

    Any particularly good true crime writing on the Keddie murders that you would recommend?