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    I didn't like Isaak. I *loved* Ray Stevenson, and I liked the accent and dapper clothing and air of superiority. Aside from the brief scene in the Colombian bar and the moment he sat waiting for Dexter with his knives inside the apartment, Isaak lacked anything exciting. His character was reduced to small talk without

    I didn't like Isaak. I *loved* Ray Stevenson, and I liked the accent and dapper clothing and air of superiority. Aside from the brief scene in the Colombian bar and the moment he sat waiting for Dexter with his knives inside the apartment, Isaak lacked anything exciting. His character was reduced to small talk without

    Can I trade in Ghost Harry for Ghost Doakes?

    Can I trade in Ghost Harry for Ghost Doakes?

    @avclub-e6d73cabfe2968cfa5b4718ca385241b:disqus His instant dismissal of the potential homicide was intentional. It was, we are knocked over the head to believe (esp. in the PREVIEWS for next week), to cover his own ass as an arsonist.

    @avclub-e6d73cabfe2968cfa5b4718ca385241b:disqus His instant dismissal of the potential homicide was intentional. It was, we are knocked over the head to believe (esp. in the PREVIEWS for next week), to cover his own ass as an arsonist.

    Awful episode. Now that that's out of the way…does Matthews know something about the Morgans? I barely remember Matthews, and I certainly cannot remember if we should be clued in to what he may tell LaGuerta. 

    Awful episode. Now that that's out of the way…does Matthews know something about the Morgans? I barely remember Matthews, and I certainly cannot remember if we should be clued in to what he may tell LaGuerta. 

    The Dexter-as-Dad storyline was an interesting development to his character back in whatever season that was. But now it's just so overworked and contrived. The 24/7 nanny, more or less forgetting about his stepkids, spending two seconds of time with his mute toddler a few times a week. He is the world's worst father.

    The Dexter-as-Dad storyline was an interesting development to his character back in whatever season that was. But now it's just so overworked and contrived. The 24/7 nanny, more or less forgetting about his stepkids, spending two seconds of time with his mute toddler a few times a week. He is the world's worst father.

    I'm pretty sure that's exactly what would happen.

    I'm pretty sure that's exactly what would happen.

    I'm not sure I would recognize a known terrorist if I passed him in the grocery store or jogging on the sidewalk. It's one thing to spot Osama in Pakistan wearing a beard and his favorite "America Sucks" shirt. It's another to see him in middle America, cleanly shaven, looking like any other American. Hell, I have to

    I like Carrie this season because I don't know what her motives are. How would she act with Brody if she hadn't/didn't love him? I am always left wondering how much of her actions are because she wants to manipulate Brody and protect the country and how much are because she loves Brody.

    Not a fair comparison at all. I thought Marisa Tomei deserved that Oscar award.

    Not a fair comparison at all. I thought Marisa Tomei deserved that Oscar award.

    I really hope Isaak kills Hannah. I'm actually okay with him killing the kids, too. I was hoping Colin Hanks would kill Harrison last season. Not because I like dead children, but because I wanted that ridiculously overworked plot arc to end.

    I really hope Isaak kills Hannah. I'm actually okay with him killing the kids, too. I was hoping Colin Hanks would kill Harrison last season. Not because I like dead children, but because I wanted that ridiculously overworked plot arc to end.

    I, ,too, would like to know what that statement is referencing.

    I, ,too, would like to know what that statement is referencing.