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    I, too, thought she was a subcontractor. I think there would be a big moment made out of Carrie being reinstated. The show's characters have made it clear that won't happen under existing circumstances.

    I, too, thought she was a subcontractor. I think there would be a big moment made out of Carrie being reinstated. The show's characters have made it clear that won't happen under existing circumstances.

    Ugly crying is right. Her facial expressions while crying bring me out of the 'moment' as a viewer. Instead of getting caught up in the emotion of the scene, I'm pulled out of it and thinking about her wicked crying face. It is really distracting, especially because I love everything else about Danes' portrayal of

    Ugly crying is right. Her facial expressions while crying bring me out of the 'moment' as a viewer. Instead of getting caught up in the emotion of the scene, I'm pulled out of it and thinking about her wicked crying face. It is really distracting, especially because I love everything else about Danes' portrayal of

    I am diggin' Hershel's ponytail. 

    I am diggin' Hershel's ponytail. 

    NO. You cannot be serious. LaGuerta isn't *that* bad this season. I have hope that she'll be the one to bring Dexter down, and I find that storyline much more interesting than Hexter.

    NO. You cannot be serious. LaGuerta isn't *that* bad this season. I have hope that she'll be the one to bring Dexter down, and I find that storyline much more interesting than Hexter.

    Revolutionary Road. The ending makes the whole movie spectacularly sad, even though it's incredibly depressing and heart-wrenching before that point.

    Revolutionary Road. The ending makes the whole movie spectacularly sad, even though it's incredibly depressing and heart-wrenching before that point.

    Treading water again this week. I want less Hannah (actually, no Hannah) and more Isaak.

    Treading water again this week. I want less Hannah (actually, no Hannah) and more Isaak.

    She's just too…excitable? Immaturely intense? I just can't take her seriously.

    She's just too…excitable? Immaturely intense? I just can't take her seriously.

    Apparently I'm the only AV Clubber (the only American?) who doesn't like Anne Hathaway. She ruins everything. 

    Apparently I'm the only AV Clubber (the only American?) who doesn't like Anne Hathaway. She ruins everything. 

    @avclub-a2661e277b1694c59150e82af264a779:disqus My dad is a retired police officer, so I am definitely aware of the early reitrement age (though I think he had to work 25 years, and his department did not allow retirement before age 50). It just stretched believability, having them sit right next to each other. He

    @avclub-a2661e277b1694c59150e82af264a779:disqus My dad is a retired police officer, so I am definitely aware of the early reitrement age (though I think he had to work 25 years, and his department did not allow retirement before age 50). It just stretched believability, having them sit right next to each other. He

    It can be. The recommendation is to wait three years before attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian). Otherwise your scar tissue may not hold up under labor/delivery, and your uterus could rupture. Lori is obviously past this mark, but there may be other reasons to have a c-section.

    It can be. The recommendation is to wait three years before attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian). Otherwise your scar tissue may not hold up under labor/delivery, and your uterus could rupture. Lori is obviously past this mark, but there may be other reasons to have a c-section.