
@avclub-eb70e805387fd94edd03a9fb68dbce6d:disqus "I want to please you secularly!"

More Cooper would be very interesting.
Not to be prurient but I wonder if any other details about his (or Roger's) kinky dalliances with dear departed Blankenship will come to light? Then again this show succeeds when it leaves some things unsaid.

I don't understand the Betty hate. The criticism of her seems to dwell on representing her as immature, naïve, foolish.
She seems to me to be a vivid depiction of a pre-second wave Betty (hmm see what they did there?) Friendan "problem without a name" upper-middle class white women. She was privileged and intelligent

Sex Worker Orgs in some areas carry lists of workers who have experience with disabled clients, some run training sessions for workers. Anyone in Melbourne, Australia who is disabled or wants to help someone with a disability access a sex worker should contact Rheds in St Kilda. A fair few older workers have nursing

My favourite furry story (possibly apocryphal) is where apparently from a distance at night a hunter mistook a outdoor furry gangbang and started firing. I've tried googling to determine veracity but had to give up because its fucking gross.

Yes it was decidedly unremarkable. Likewise Ewan Macgregor.

Bomb the mosque!

I agree on Riz Ahmed, seen a couple of things his done - in particular a UK film where he played a drug dealer, his damn talented.

Boypussy is the new mangina.

I heard of 'daddy batter' not 'baby batter' - though only used the term tongue in cheek joking around with the donor/bio father thathelped me & my ex have 3 kids.
Never, ever an expression that woud go down well in the throes of passion. Never.

Yeh, I always figured no one over the age of 13 could logically believe it. And hello, vibrators?

Kinsey said "up to 17%" of boys raised on farms had at least one enounter, in the general population 8% for males, 3% for females. Kinsey did a shit ton of interviews but the book I'm quoting this from doesn't say how he got this figure (the 'up to' makes me think its conjecture) and I strongly suspect the biases

Admittedly I know little about Star Trek TNG but surely it isn't a huge leap to presume an Android didn't have parents and a childhood. As Freud has such a strong focus on very early childhood (Oral Stage, Anal Stage, etc) with a robot there wouldnt be a developmental framework in which to explain the present day

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus 's right, I remember she was an actress. Still they had a bunch of kids..

The usual way, needed the money!
I lived independantly from 16 (on and off between 14-16) so i missed out on a great deal of secondary education. The youth wages were quite hard to survive on when I was lucky enough to get work which isnt easy when living in shitty housing(when I had housing), usually dishwashing,

I know nothing about the acting/theatre scene but would an overtly fetishistic scene like the one described actually be something an actor could put on their reel?

Ahh so that's why extended foot touching makes me want to pee.

Also we dont know how recently he sero-converted. HIVmight be a very new, scary part of his life. He may not have spent much time on scene to encounter well adjusted pos men.Could be young and grew up closetted in a tiny town.
I feel for the negative boyfriend, and understand that his boyfriends behaviour comes across

Dora the Explorer's Narcocorrida album was an unexpected career side-step.

Oh gawd, Virginia fucking Andrews and her obsession with brother-fucking and girls realising half way through being raped that they are actually kinda in to it..