
I'm also wary of speculating about anything on TP but agree Candie most likely isn't one of the lodge folk. Though her daffyness is superficially like Dougie she actually can chatter animatedly (casino floor, seen through security cameras) and react with strong emotion (sobbing after walloping that Mitchum brother)

I agree with the SFU praise. I saw it first long after its initial run and think i've re-watched the entire run 3x by now.
Though with George i always felt his issues were not dementia but long standing epidsodic mental health issues. Hence the response to treatment (medication & ECT). Billy & him bonded briefly about

I did not know that Forster was the original choice! That's interesting to ponder, not only from how the show would've been to how it would've effected Forster's career.
Its been said a few times that Robert Forster was in a experiencing a career slump between mid 80s to late 90s and credited Tarantino casting him as

I had captions up and it said "squeeze".

Better than calling it 'the mother wound' i guess..

Smoking baby & hanging Santa gave me the giggles.

So many guns!

Also when Jimmy was at the office & playing the guitar lying on his back Kim was confused about how many days had passed since she's previously seen him. With her days not broken up neatly by sleep it felt to poor Kim like a long day rather than two.

I admit, I laughed when you got to "Sad Eyed Lady.."

Yep, Mimi (nee Baez) & Richard Farina.
Then Richard died the following year aged only 21 from a motorcycle accident.
Definitely agreed with you, his schedule, the speed, 'going electric'.
There's a fair few quotes from him around the time disavowing overtly political music, being a protest singer yet that's what the

"Do not think about the event!"

Plus Cave's two versions of 'From Her to Eternity' and two different 'The Hammer Songs' (one a cover).

(Ok its a little embarrassing but what the hell)…
Any other folks discover Dalton Trumbo via Metallica's "One" with its Johnny Got His Gun lyrical theme and film clip? My older sister was a Metallica fan in the early 90s and told me the story behind the song, the author & the blacklisting when I was about 10 or 11. I

Naming a kid after a coin- why, Ms & Mr Middleton, oh god why?
And not a particularly valuable coin at that.
Also I don't know if I'm getting this right because I was more enduring this film than watching it but wasn't it also about magical space moisturizer made out of people? Or am I more confused than I thought I was?

His 8.25th?

You beat me to it, but that was my first thought too!

You're right.
And then there's the instructional cartoons made for soldier in WW2, some of them were very adults only (VD warnings and the like).
Sgt Fubar, etc.

I wonder when "xxx" went from meaning booze to titty bars and skin flick cinemas?

I've a soft spot for the Battlestar Gallactica's, a bit of light hearted violence after a heavy, gloomy episode of sad space refugees suffering & dying.

I got slapped because of that goddamn Dic!
Sometimes it'd have the kid exclaiming "DIC!" other times just the logo with no voice over. Anyhow my little brother, 8 years younger than me and before reading age - I guess I was around 10?- and he saw it at the end of a show one afternoon and yelled "Dic!" at the end when