
I know this is coming from a stranger-on-the-internet at all but for what its worth, I wish you, your family & especially your gran the best. Sorry you been through the wars, hun. I hope things continue to improve for your gran.

Hehe so I'm not the only one who does a double take on the two CBTs!
Long time sex worker and long time interest in kink so while its not one of my interests it's something I'm well familiar with and have given from time to time. But when one of my more vanilla friends, say some what fragile and in therapy, mentions

Hello la pipe.
I have recently rewatched TOTL, thus read these 2 year old reviews and subsequent discussions. I have no idea if you will find this comment but just wanted to let you know that I have really enjoyed your insightful, intelligent commentary on this series. AV Club does have a more erudite than usual

Thank you.
I was 16 years old when Kids came out (and had been homeless and was living independently so hardly naïve) and found it utterly ridiculous. And I completely agree with your assessment on how squicky Clark is, he's a yank Bill Hensen.

Well southern hemisphere here folks, we had 43 Celcius so 109 Fahrenheit last week. Melbourne had a week of 40 C and above. Fucking awful, especially when you don't own AC.

Ugh, this film; ridiculous, overlong and equally sexist to men and women. When Dren is female she is coquettish and seductive. What's the first thing he does as a male? He rapes. So women are manipulatively dependant on feminine wiles and men are innately rapey and violent. Fuck, it's the only thing Male Dren is shown

Depends on how pregnant. Before 6 weeks miscarriages generally they are 'complete'. After eight weeks a woman having a miscarriage may see some remains, the later it is the more likely you need to have a d&c to remove remains. If its first trimester and a 'complete' miscarriage simply viewing the uterus via ultrasound

Wow, are we brother & sister?
Except in my case its a cat.
My father is a cold hearted, violent, nasty bastard. I spent my childhood waiting in fear for the day he finally killed my mother - never happened- near enough to it, but suffice to say he was one dysfunctional prick. I was independent since age 14, haven't seen

Ugh, I had an annoying client who had this tattoo, with Cobains birth & death date underneath.

Jonathan Davis has HIV tattooed on his shoulder.

Yellow's opposite purple in the colour wheel so yellow symbolises the Anti-Marie

@avclub-518aedbf95e34c72567f82fd1ad92f76:disqus There is a 'Dexxxter' porn … um.. spoof.

Johnson as the Doctor, oh fuck yes.

I love your anecdote. I didn't see this but for me the two otherwise not all that memorable movies that let under age me know I was a lesbian was Pump Up the Volume (she take off a baggie jumper and is braless - oh my) and Death Becomes Her (Isabella Rossellini mostly naked in some barely there body jewelry - I got up

I remember two scenes, one when they came home early from a hunting trip and walked in on Andy & Holly snoozing post-coital and later at the diner when they had to apologise to him.

Yeh Harry's suicide was first taunted by Doakes when he was in his Everglades cabin cage, a deliberate OD of his heart pills, Harry's colleague confirmed it to Dexter after he corners him on a golf course. The OD was 3 or so days after Harry walked in on Dexter's kill room.
However I think the first kill was the nurse

Yeh that's what I was wondering. Dexter was exploring cabins in the woods and visiting Vogel while Jamie about to leave her brothers house for a date with Quinn, Harrison doesn't have any other adults in his life now that would realistically take him now that Deb's off her rocker. The Littlest Latchkey Kid.

Given his speech and co-ordination he's four, four & a half. Organised sports, even modified/simplified sports can be difficult to follow for under 6 year olds. Harrison 6 months ago acted like a barely 2 year old. Kids start putting simple words together around 18 months.
(Got 3 kids)
But what would Dexter be without

um, does this even qualify as a spoiler?
What was stated on the "on the next…" in my locale was that Vogel helped 'make' Dexter.
Which would raise questions that wouldn't Dexter have recognized her or at least her name if she was working with Harry to help mould Dexter.. if this was any other show than this.

Was about to agree with you about Warracknabeal being as utterly boring as Holbrook, NSW, which I've been through a shit ton of times on Melbourne-Sydney road trips. A dull place which even though considerably inland nonetheless has a big old submarine as a tourist 'attraction'. Then I noticed you haven't been to