
No but I had a similar situation. It was a sci-fi(-ish) book called something like "Elleander Morning". It was about a woman who goes back in time on her death bed, sort of having future knowledge at her younger age) and kills Hitler (some loved one killed during the war). There is a side story of a 'kindly pervert',

Being so long ago I cannot remember if then protagonist of "Then Again.." got caught?
I don't know about mandatory reporting laws anywhere else but here certain professions (teachers, doctors, nurses) have to report if a child is in danger of harm, a child perving surreptiously wouldn't fit in that category. Not all

I was a voracious little bookworm when I found 'Forever' at a second hand bookstore, age 10, thinking it was just another of her books.
Blew my mind. It made the rounds at school, it was lent out to plenty of girls until this little ginger bitch didn't return it before we broke for the holidays, and I never saw her

Hide Tide, Proof, Bliss.

Another Play School bit of trivia to file under 'loss of innocence'. Bernitta (Im presuming you're old enough to remember her) had a bit part on A Country Practice playing a child abuser.
(Editted her name but still not 100% certain..)

There was an Ugliest Men in Rock feature in some music mag, maybe 10years back? Chad Kroger 'won'. I think Lemmy came second.

Loved that too. If I recall he was leaving her for his misstress and she was pregnant?
Apparently an ex-wife of Dahls said he never saw her completely naked, even though they had an active sex life, some hang-up or other..

Eww, D'Douza. When he was in university and editting the rightwing student paper he published stolen mail from gay & lesbian students and used a staged photo of a black man getting lynched to illustrate his interview with a former KKK official.
Then it was hundreds of thousands of dollars from right wing think tanks to

Ugh, the one where Jack White inexplicably has a mini-me trailing him?

Sadly so very true. Its a very serious issue in remote indigenous areas of Australia, fresh fruit & vegetables are either unavailable or prohibitally expensive and it contributes dramatically to the rate of diabetes (which Aboriginal Australians are more subceptible to). I do not know any recent figures but in 2004 an

It does seem a bit exploitive, I think he shouldve been blunt, upfront and paid a lot more than a measely $100.

I had a client who was into both, he was shorter than me and gnomelike. I mistakenly thought it would be an easy job. 25 minutes of sniffling and licking my armpits, 25 minutes of rubbing and powdering my feet. It was unbearably ticklish and squirm inducing

Yeh, I do not understand it. I'm not judging but I so do not see any appeal.
I joined an online adult community. I have a very detailed intro, and describe very clearly & specifically what I am interested in and never once mention any interest or curiosity in feet. Nor any activities that would make someone think 'if

This was facinating, thanks @avclub-2ad65101287c37d8c91ba4be4e5594b6:disqus

For The Straight Best Man,why not hire some male strippers and have a hotel party?

Not from UK but presume it is similar enough in Australia, buggery doesn't have queer connotations generally. A very mild swear word. "Bugger off", etc.. In fact "Go to buggery" confused the fuck out of me as a child, being very clueless about Christianity I thought it was like Limbo, some not-Heaven, not-Hell, little

Tricky's Maxinquaye was '95.

I was mad keen on Bowie from late toddlerhood but went off him from 9 til I rediscovered him in my late teens.I fucking loved Ashes to Ashes and the film clip freaked me the fuck out. Some early 80 Australian Music tv show had a Bowie special in the beginning days of home video (we got a VCR in 1983 but didn't have a

My kids are 8, 11 and 14 and a half respectively and I have never tried to shape or influence their tastes and even if for a second when they are young they have found something I've played catchy I've tried to never get attached.
My younger siblings went through many musical stages and discovered their own tastes

yeh same with my fucked up junkie father. I think a mid-life crisis would mean he's actually maturing but no, he's still very much emotionally stunted as always, 36 yrs into parenthood and 15yrs in grandparenthood..