
Lila did great side boob..

Didn't the Patrick/Brian mix up happened before Eli beat that guy to death with a wrench in his garage? "So many damn kids…"

Didn't the Patrick/Brian mix up happened before Eli beat that guy to death with a wrench in his garage? "So many damn kids…"

Ahh, thats why Chrissie Hynde had a dig about "North London Real Estate Agents" and their cocaine use and Ray Davies said nothing good came from his relationship with Hynde. Poor kid.

Ahh, thats why Chrissie Hynde had a dig about "North London Real Estate Agents" and their cocaine use and Ray Davies said nothing good came from his relationship with Hynde. Poor kid.

SS is for… oh never mind

SS is for… oh never mind

Pussnbooze, your story reminds me of a fucking clueless guy I dated for a few months at 18yrs (not saying you are fucking clueless, you seem sweet and it was a naive gaffe).
Anyhow lets call idiot exboyf Fabian, because he deserves it.
He came from a very cold, well off family that was part of  'society' 20 years

Pussnbooze, your story reminds me of a fucking clueless guy I dated for a few months at 18yrs (not saying you are fucking clueless, you seem sweet and it was a naive gaffe).
Anyhow lets call idiot exboyf Fabian, because he deserves it.
He came from a very cold, well off family that was part of  'society' 20 years

In Sirens another of the nude nymphs/muses of Norman Lindsey was Portia de Rossi (or Mandy Rogers when she wasn't hiding her Bogan ancestry) in her debut film. And the other non-Elle Macpherson nymph was Kate Fischer, a model famous for 15 minutes in Australia who had the foresight to end an engagement to Kerry

In Sirens another of the nude nymphs/muses of Norman Lindsey was Portia de Rossi (or Mandy Rogers when she wasn't hiding her Bogan ancestry) in her debut film. And the other non-Elle Macpherson nymph was Kate Fischer, a model famous for 15 minutes in Australia who had the foresight to end an engagement to Kerry

I love bragging about how many of my friends are straights it means I'm open minded! Its cute, the men sooo like sport and the women love watching soap operas - its just so weird how them straights are all so similar!!

I love bragging about how many of my friends are straights it means I'm open minded! Its cute, the men sooo like sport and the women love watching soap operas - its just so weird how them straights are all so similar!!

Billy Madison, pert or not aren't bear boobs a little furry?

Billy Madison, pert or not aren't bear boobs a little furry?

(Reply to Captcha Reader) Me neither, I think lesbians appreciate & adore them better. Mind you, with the exception of hetero boys under 16 and very slimy mouth drooling old men the person I knew who spend the most time looking at boobs (literally she would NEVER look you in th eye) was a hetero 40-ish mum and a

(Reply to Captcha Reader) Me neither, I think lesbians appreciate & adore them better. Mind you, with the exception of hetero boys under 16 and very slimy mouth drooling old men the person I knew who spend the most time looking at boobs (literally she would NEVER look you in th eye) was a hetero 40-ish mum and a

We're born with the preference else we'd starve.

We're born with the preference else we'd starve.

The recent-ish album Ringleader of The Tormentors has many very overt queer sexual songs ( eg, "Now I'm spreading your legs
With mine in-between" after mentioning "his hand" on his knee ) and in a way I like that he refuses to come out yet has sung so many homoerotic or at least ambiguous songs. I'm not Pet Shop Boy