
The recent-ish album Ringleader of The Tormentors has many very overt queer sexual songs ( eg, "Now I'm spreading your legs
With mine in-between" after mentioning "his hand" on his knee ) and in a way I like that he refuses to come out yet has sung so many homoerotic or at least ambiguous songs. I'm not Pet Shop Boy

Little Richard said: "If God can save an old homosexual like me, he can save anybody" and the original lyrics to Tutti Frutti are helpful advice on the importance of lubrication when arsefucking.

Little Richard said: "If God can save an old homosexual like me, he can save anybody" and the original lyrics to Tutti Frutti are helpful advice on the importance of lubrication when arsefucking.

For the last 15-20 years in at least Melbourne & Perth (prob other Australian cities too but I can't say from experience) Lou Reed is rhyming slang for speed. Even streetie folks who've never heard of him know that Louey is amphetamine as the term is that common.

For the last 15-20 years in at least Melbourne & Perth (prob other Australian cities too but I can't say from experience) Lou Reed is rhyming slang for speed. Even streetie folks who've never heard of him know that Louey is amphetamine as the term is that common.

Fuck, I'm sorry

Fuck, I'm sorry

Yeh I found that first scene way more affecting than the mandolin one. The acting, direction, it all worked very well and telegraphed so much feeling without being mawkish.

Yeh I found that first scene way more affecting than the mandolin one. The acting, direction, it all worked very well and telegraphed so much feeling without being mawkish.

No,no, infelicitous!
 with child with import

No,no, infelicitous!
 with child with import

It would've been one of those scary belted pads!
Yeh they were pretty rare early '20s, advertizing for pad wasn't until 1927.
Commercial pads became mass produced on account of left over tissue and cotton wound packing from the war, also lead to production of tissues.

It would've been one of those scary belted pads!
Yeh they were pretty rare early '20s, advertizing for pad wasn't until 1927.
Commercial pads became mass produced on account of left over tissue and cotton wound packing from the war, also lead to production of tissues.

She used "Lysol" as spermicide which I'm guessing is a cleaning product?

She used "Lysol" as spermicide which I'm guessing is a cleaning product?

Such a great film and was wondering why Capone looked so familar - thank you, I'm shamefully unobservant.

Such a great film and was wondering why Capone looked so familar - thank you, I'm shamefully unobservant.

Is that the snooker-with-planets episode?
Hell yeh, loved it.

Is that the snooker-with-planets episode?
Hell yeh, loved it.

Replying to this because can't reply to your post below. I don't know if its the 'scientifically legitimate' term but have heard the reference to "Mardi-Gras Syndrome" (the mask gives anonymity to behave outside of societal expectations)  which origin predates the web but was applied to anonymous internet fuckwad