
Ditto on the Kalinda not calling anyone thing. One of those tv-people-who-don't-act-like-real-people-for-the-sake-of-the-plot holes. Kinda like the person providing the sketch artist the description of the terrorist on Homeland not mentioning that the guy was black. Only in tv land.

Brody passed the razor. The VP is alerting Walker.

Because the VP is in on it, and he is pulling the strings.

Yeah, that would be a major disappointment, writing wise, character wise, cliche wise and just not wise wise.

Watched this today; sick in bed. Being sick is much more enjoyable than watching this movie. Not a thing about it surprised me. Saw everything coming a mile away. Lurid and silly at the same time. Hackneyed, terrible acting. Homage to Hitchcock? In your dreams.

Love that show!  Great characterizations, too. Great acting. Not for the faint of heart though. Especially that kitchen scene in Season Two. 

I wish, I wish, I wish they had a hot male lead. Sigh. Otherwise, and almost perfect show.

Dick. Johnson. Willie. Peter. John Thomas. Pretty soon there won't be any male names left that aren't slang for penis.

Nope. I don't agree. More penises!  Or even just one, as long as it's attached to a good-looking guy and not a fat old man played for laughs.

Gosh, I get the "I hope it's not a Manchurian Candidate" thing now. Gosh, I sure hope it's not a Manchurian Candidate thing.

Nothing lasts forever. Flowers fade. Shows jump the shark. Just sit back and enjoy the ride while you can.

Well, I totally agree. But that seems to be the norm among many a male. I knew a guy who was married to a knock-down gorgeous woman. Who, in no particular order, cheated on him, got addicted to heroin, cheated on him with her sponsor in Narcotic's Anonymous, neglected their kids, absconded with and secretly spent all

And then there's going along, day to day, getting used to the warming water like a frog in a pan, until one day it boils over and kills you. Maybe she just woke up one day and said, "Shit. This water is hot. I just can't take it any more."  How many of us have gone along and gone along, and then one day realized, "I'm

I knew, or was pretty darn certain, the moment that Carrie told Brady she suspected him of working with Al Qaida. As soon as she crossed that boundary, as soon as she truly jeopardized the whole operation, the only possibility was for him to have been turned. So, did he slip the razor blade to whathisname?

Alas, I don't find him attractive. We need some male eye candy on this show. Only thing that's missing.

True. Great actor. Shallow me, though, I wish he were better looking. Not enough eye candy on this show. But the great acting, writing that keeps you spinning in circles, and  emotionally devastating scenes like the one with Carrie and Brody make it the best thing on TV, by far, eye candy or no.

Well, we can see what quality of Dick you are.

I was too. I'm glad they didn't go that route.


I am so over this show. I hate almost everything about this episode and this season. I liked the 40's  number — great costumes, great song. The rest? Not so much.