
55-year-old female here. Tits, smitts. Have my own.  More peen!  Male-on-male action in this episode, perfect chance for some peen. But do we get peen?  No. Nude women galore. No nude men. What gives? Aliens who get HBO beamed to their universe must think that there is nothing below the waist for the male of the

Yeah, a total waste of great potential suspense. That's what this show used to have — edge of your seat suspense. Remember those heady days?

"But you're still totally right, in no world, fictional or real, would
something like this be accepted, especially considering their status in
the community"  People still go to Woody Allen movies and major stars still act in them, despite the ick factor of him sleeping with a child he virtually raised as a father.

La Guerta didn't morph into a beatch out of the blue. She returned to her true form after several seasons of the writers trying and failing in the most boring way possible to redeem her character.

I don't know if anyone discussed this — I've been too busy to read all of the comments — but has anyone noticed the odd fact that this lovely old ruin of a church sits in a busy park full of activity somewhere in or near Miami, its acres of beautiful stonework, ironwork, stained glass windows and presumably lots of

I HATE the Deb-is-attracted-to-Dexter story line. Gag. Not b/c of the incest angle, but because it is just so lame, such poor writing, such poor psychology, such a stupid, out-of-nowhere development for this character.

Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Brody as a candidate is boring. Hope I'm wrong, but I don't have high hopes for that plot line.

I think the not-feeling-the-vest thing while pushing him through the crowd is totally understandable. How this is his jacket, his shirt, all those medals? How fast were they moving? What else was on the SS agent's mind? Where did he actually touch him?  Regarding the three shots, I think in the chaos and panic of the

Which is why Carrie's character is so much more interesting to me. She's real. I know suicide bombers are real, too, but they are harder to connect with or understand. This is what was so magical about the early seasons of Dexter:  we weren't just watching a serial killer from the outside, we were connecting to him,

The least of which is Carrie? To me, Carrie is one of the best things about this show. I find her more compelling than Brody. Great character, great acting. Ditto Mandy Patinkin and his character. Brody is ok. but IMHO the show could go on without him.

But if he loves children as deeply as this show implies — enough to kill the VP and 30 or 40 others as vengeance for a dead Issa and 81 other children — then perhaps its possible that he's tortured about what his action will mean for the lives and the futures of his own children?  What does a father owe his own,

I disagree. There's a strong element of self-preservation here. He's in  a kill or be killed situation: Either Walker's seething trigger-finger or  Nazir's order could result in his imminent death. And if he wants to live, either to spend more time with his kids or to carry out the mission in a different context —

1,  What you said. Thanks for saving me a bunch of typing!

For some reason, I thought he left it in the storage unit. I guess I need to watch it again. But yeah, Nazir having it is an interesting thought.

I was rooting for Cochran, but now I'm for Sophie. It's odd how little air
time they have given Rick all season long. And I hate Coach more than I
did the first season he played, even though his edit is tamed down this
time around. He was such a weasel to Cochran, and then he did it again
with poor, deluded Brandon.

I can admire the creativity of the Dexter opening credits, but I can't stand watching it. IMHO, Game of Thrones has the best opening credits in a long while.

Seriously? I love Juliana Marguiles. She has grown into such an interesting actress, and is more beautiful than ever as she ages. I love her character. Noth isn't bad, either. I've always had a thing for Big.

I NEVER watch promos. Ever.

I CAN'T STAND that arrogant, cliche spouting Marcus and am sorry to see them in the finale. Can't stand kvetching blonde couple either. Guess I'm rooting for the third couple, whatever their names are. I stopped caring after the old couple lost. My favs.

lol. Me too. Love that character.