
Agree on the first two counts. Irish kid: annoying, but good voice.

Um, ever heard of nursing?  Without babies, no boobies. This is a tired, old argument to justify the double standard that was imposed back when men ran Hollywood. Peen? Obscene. Oh wait. Men still run Hollywood.  "Nobody wants to see that."  Spoken by men. About men. Well, fellas, for us women, the penis is the same

Right. Boobs are the equivalent of peen, in terms of interest value, what we want to see, what umhmm, calls attention to itself. It's the last frontier. Time to mount a full frontal assault on the borders and break that last old fashioned bariier of so-called "obscenity."  Male nudity is no more obscene than female.

We see plenty of full frontal women. Just give us some full frontal men.

Me either! I want erotic peen. Not disgusting golden showers peen. And now, the penis shots in Game of Thrones were not erotic. Let's see, we had the big doofy giant oaf lumbering about with his admittedly quite impressively large penis, but as always, nude men are played for laughs. And we had the guy who tried to

Ok, that was funny!

Come on guys. Any time a remotely attractive actress gets naked on any show discussed on this site, we get pages upon pages of comments about boobs, discourses about "how naked is she?" and happy chatter about how much you all enjoy the eye candy. We women would like some eye candy too. And face it, the area of

I love Eli. More Eli.

I think the IT guy was a mole of some kind. He raced out of there in a hurry. Maybe this thread will come up again later?  Or maybe I'm watching too much Homeland and 24?

Yes! Love it!


I NEVER watch the trailers. I dvr shows and watch them the same night, with a delay so I can zip through the commercials. I never, ever watch the trailers. TMI.

Wow. Didn't consider that. Hope you're wrong.  Too 24 to have a high-placed mole.

I love how this show doesn't insult the audience's intelligence and plays it both ways, so we can't quite decide what's what. Two observations:  There was a curious shot of the soles of the prisoner's shoes when he was loaded into the van. I thought it odd when I saw it. The theory that the razor was in his shoe could

With you on that repeated-to-death "twist" in 24. But do we know there's a secret Muslim in Homeland yet?