Royal Ugly Dude

Confederate flag-wavers perform the salutory service of letting you know that they are goddamn monsters and no, you don't want to interact with them, at all. So there's that, I guess.

I wonder where all our statutes of Benedict Arnold and Julius Rosenberg should be.

We haven't even had a full seven months yet.

That surprises me. I figured anyone who approved of Trump's job was already a white nationalist, so I didn't think his approval would fall at all.


No, I don't understand that the so-called far left of the party is the minority. I look at the political positions of the so-called far left and I see things that are really popular. The public, especially those within the nominal party of the working class, seems to like the idea of national health care that doesn't

See, you seem pretty confident in Clinton's ability to give me 75% of what I wanted. I don't. You seem, for some reason that escapes me, to think that she was even slightly likely to get some of what the left would want out of a Congress where the House was almost guaranteed to be run by Republicans who have despised

Funnily enough, I feel that way about Arya.

They were sent to a military stockade from which they promptly escaped.Today, still wanted by Cersei Lannister, they survive as soldiers of fortune.

Kind of a gyp. They didn't even go to Chez Paul to get Mr. Fabulous, let alone going to the diner to pick up Blue Lou and Matt "Guitar" Murphy.

Why is it the radical socialists who refused to compromise with the moderate lefties in your analysis? Why isn't it the moderate lefties who refused to compromise with the radical socialists?

No, we need to unite around a leftist and win. Kamala Harris has a lengthy atrocious record of supporting expanded police powers. She is exactly what we DON'T need.

Pssst…you're thinking of Cyrus, not Xerxes.

So is Luc Besson, though, and for some reason, I kinda love his stuff.

I despise this movie. Not for its politics, although those are rather grody. But the writer is seriously going to have the people who gave us the word "Laconic" be shouty assholes who somehow deride Athens as a den of pedophiles, completely ignoring how Sparta created unit cohesion? Fuuuuuuuuuuck that.

I am so jealous that y'all have Franken and Klobuchar as Senators. I really am still flabbergasted that somehow we passed on Feingold to reelect that numbskull, Johnson.

I feel as if I could do this pretty well, but getting all of the islands around Alaska and Rhode Island seems as if it'd be difficult.

I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my punctuation marks. Some Chinaman took them from me in Korea!

Dude, he's one of the top 15 or 20 fartsmiths of our generation.

What are you, a fucking editor? Who gives a shit about the Oxford comma?