Royal Ugly Dude

Three days ago, I dropped a comment that's at 190 upvotes and climbing. I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

The worlds can be one together
Cosmos without hatred
Stars like diamonds in your eyes
The ground can be space (space, space, space, space)
With feet marching towards a peaceful sky
All the Moonmen want things their way
But we make sure they see the sun
Goodbye, Moonmen
We say goodbye, Moonmen
Goodbye, Moonmen
Goodbye, Moonmen

Presumably, somewhere around $34,000.

Eh, it was okay, I guess.

See, this is why I play Shadowrun. Or at least Ars Magica.

Yep. Because there's down ballot evidence. Someone looking to fuck over evil corporatists isn't going to vote for a tool like Ron Johnson or Pat Toomey. They may have stayed home, but they sure as shit didn't vote for Trump in large numbers.

Yes, actions matter. I won't hold anything during her time as the wife of the sitting President against her. Since then, she has supported or advocated the US killing people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Syria. We need to be killing fewer people, not more.

Yeah, leadership showed they drew no lessons whatsoever when Chuck "For every blue collar voter we lose in western Pennsylvania, we'll pick up two or three moderate Republicans in the Philly suburbs, and you can replicate that in Ohio and Wisconsin and Illinois." Schumer became the goddamn Senate Minority Leader.

No, there really wasn't.

They're pissed off, because they've been getting screwed for two generations. They're also dullards, because they have been conditioned to think unions are the problem, rather than capitalism itself, but they are correct that they've been getting screwed.

You want the left to show up? Nominate a leftist.Otherwise, you sure as shit have no claim on the left's votes. But the Democrats can't really do that, because leadership has been bought and paid for by the finance and insurance industries for the last quarter century.

Brett Favre?

I like the way he keeps shooting his agenda in the dick though, and I'm not nearly so sanguine that Handmaid's Tale re-enactor Mike Pence will be as ineffective in dismantling the basic social constructs that makes America a slightly less hellish place to live than Uzbekistan.

I'd take Tillersons occupying every cabinet post save the Attorney General if we could just clear the most important and powerful position in the cabinet of Jefferson Beauregard's oppressive stench.

I would have figured your rebounding and baby hook would have led you to be set up for life.

She's right.

Yes, but he recognized he was dealing with moral idiots when he was dealing with the planter aristocracy. He recognized their weird attachment to their inflated sense of self and hoped to break them of it. Unfortunately, he did not.

Oh, hell yes. I'd rather watch Salo than BoaN.

1. Apparently you do want to play devil's advocate. But that's okay. I like doing it too, from time to time.

It's basically a fictional Triumph of the Will.