Royal Ugly Dude

The only way I can deal with this is as a black comedy, basically a Presidential Heathers.

Yuup. If we're going with a single director, we want the auteur of fun, if you can abide the dumb. This has to have strong comedic presence.

Oooh, yes, an anthology series. We'll have Tarantino do the piss tape shenanigans, It's really too bad Sidney Lumet's dead. He'd be perfect for the debates.

I want Luc Besson. We've already committed to batshittery. Why back down?

I'll punctuate your sentence for a thousand dollars. Dikachu can't watch, though, or else he has to pay a hundred.

I usually do a BBC documentary series like the one about the South Pacific or the Monsoon. That knocks me out in seconds, like sitcom chloroform.

Obama in 2008 had a higher percentage of the white vote than either Kerry or Gore. Obama in 2012 had a higher percentage of the white vote than Clinton. Obama didn't win because of massive turnout by black and brown people. Obama won because a lot of things drove overall turnout up, which helps Democrats. This

Where in the fuck did I blame black and brown people for white people's bigotry? Where in the fuck did I say anything about black or brown people in this thread, other than calling Obama a shitty president because he handed the economy off to vampires like Larry fucking Summers and because he didn't do shit about

The basic premise I'm operating under is that we ARE going to have a catastrophic recession at some point fairly soon. I operate under this premise because we have apparently learned nothing from 2007-2008. I see this as unavoidable.

He didn't say "Communist Hollywood" was a myth. Reagan's courageous HUAC testimony only pushed it underground for a little while.

Were there positive stories in the AV Club about Wonder Woman?

I live in a swing state, and I voted for Monica Moorhead. And I'd do it again. I'm hoping Trump and the Congress will cause enough disrepute to the Republican brand that we can get a wave election for the Democrats in 2020. I tend to think a notional President Clinton would have triggered a wave election in favor of

Republican vote totals are the same. Of course Trump got 60 million mostly racist fuckheads to vote for him. That's what the Republicans are, so it's no surprise that they responded to his message. The reason he won is because fewer people in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc. decided to vote for

I mean, why should we prefer an oligarchy to an emperor?

I'd say he's more Beast than Baron right now, but let's see what a year and a half of Presidentin' does to him.

Trump is also a result of the coalition that showed up for Obama not coming out to vote, in large part because Obama mobilized us on the idea of change and then gave Larry Fucking Summers the keys to the economy.

/Lana Kane voice
//Lana Kane voice off

You gave up a bunch to have him as President for eight years, so that was something.

I think the last guy they successfully assassinated was Patrice Lumumba.

He could resign. The people of Illinois would be thrilled with that.