Royal Ugly Dude

You know, I used to enjoy Fat Albert and friends references much more about 3 years ago.

This holds true for Grand Duke as well.

Or the Strigoi, if the speculative docudrama series The Strain is right.

What is a CMS?

Yeah, but those decades are awesome and ludicrously profitable.

Yay! Then President Patrick Bateman Paul Ryan gets to decide how the executive order legalizing the Most Dangerous Game is written!

The Prince-Archbishop of Muenster's emails clearly show that he is running a pedophilia ring out of the basement of his cathedral palace.

Presumably, a novelty, as we haven't had any in America in at least 37 years.

To be fair, his biggest competition was pretty singularly inept. Well, maybe not singularly. Jeb! was pretty awful, too.

Also a good question. I figure if Trump gives a kooky nukes order though, someone in the security detail would just shoot him, so as to give Pence a chance to not act insane. Then when Pence orders the nukes to be loosed, someone in his detail could shoot him and then…

Hopefully, not by Crandon.

You know, when Stalin died, he was a paranoid loon busily setting up another purge of counterrevolutionary elements. During the last few months of Watergate, Nixon was roaming around the West Wing, drunk and talking to ghosts. By the time China got the hydrogen bomb, the Cultural Revolution was going on in full force

The Vancouver real estate market is insane specifically because of Chinese money. Vancouver's sort of the US.

Nah, I don't even slightly miss Bush the Lesser. Maybe I will when Trump invades the wrong country, allows one of the coolest cities in America to cannibalize itself to make gentrification easier, or start up a goddamn gulag, but Bush the Lesser for now remains much more disastrous than Cheeto Benito.

Well, moreso than the standard default "stuff the jury with a bunch of crotchety old white sex criminals" that comes with just having a jury trial in America.

Are they going to suddenly come out against massive tax cuts? Because until they do, they'll still have an ocean of dark money to protect them from the consequences of their behavior.

You're grading generously when you concede your first point.

You know, I'd be happy if we had an actual party of the left that stood a chance of breaking the duopoly. I'd be ecstatic if that party of the left actually fought for its beliefs. The Democrats are paid well to be capitulatory center rightists. Occasionally, they're useful. Usually, they're so scared of their shadows

Oooh! Oooh! I know this! The answer is "Vote suppression, Gerrymandering, and Oceans of Dark Money!"

Am I expecting this movie to offer me the same deal that Lucille offered Shadow Moon in American Gods? Yes, yes I am.