Royal Ugly Dude

You were one of those people who would play with line changes off, wouldn't you?

He had a blasting one timer. My buddy Rey loved playing the Bruins because of Iafrate and Bourque and Neely and Oates. But sooooo much shitty goaltending on that team. Belfour was honestly probably a little unfair. But that game, you needed a goalie of at least, say, Tom Barasso's quality, or else you were just going


So how would Mulan Szechuan specialty sauce rank? Is it really good enough to make you want to ovethrow a galactic government?

I played a truly absurd amount of video games in 1997, and you want to know what was the best one? NHL '95.Glorious wraparaound one timers from Roenick to Chelly. Checking the crap out of Yzerman with certified thug Steve Smith. Tape to tape passing through the blue lines. There was nothing finer.

I mean, if you met Missandei and you were attracted to women, it'd be difficult not to wind up besotted with her.

I've been pitching a workplace sitcom at Hot Pie's inn.

Jaime better hope his armor is not as heavy as his armor assuredly is, or hope that Euron's got enough pull with the Drowned God and curiosity about whether Cersei really likes the old finger in the bum to get his idiotic ass resurrected.

Maybe. But it fucking sucked.

Was Highgarden the capital of the Tyrells' realm because it was capital of the realm the Tyrells ruled, or was it the capital because it was the Tyrells' castle? Maybe that realm will be ruled from the Tarly castle, which would mean that Highgarden could hypothetically be open to be given to some upjumped sellsword

It would have been kind of cool to watch Shaq abuse him in the low post as part of the Rock and Jock challenge, though.

Until you're like, 28 or so, isn't it your ethical duty to guide your younger cousins into discovering marijuana? Then, after you're 28, one or two of the cousins you helped discover marijuana pass that knowledge on to the ones that were just a little too young for you to feel comfortable getting high.

In Wisconsin, Milwaukee is collared by a truly staggering amount of fuckheads, who are subsequently surrounded by a pretty even mix of decent people and fuckheads. But man, that Waukesha County is just a sackfull of assholes.

Jaqen's a military recruiter?

A workplace sitcom set in Hot Pie's inn, with a sassy, brash waitress, a sweet, bookish waitress who eventually becomes Hot Pie's love interest, and a kooky stable boy with an endless store of wild schemes and a catchphrase.

So he arranges an accident when Tyrion is a young kid, or has him smothered in the cradle. We're talking about Tywin Lannister, the dude who sealed the Reynes in a cave and flooded them to death. I have a hard time thinking he'd hesitate to kill the rape offspring he blames for his wife's death.

Colbert, Stewart, and Bee are all good enough at their jobs that they don't need the materiel from Trump.

You mean awesomeness. I for one look forward to the animated adventures of President Shaq and Vice President Tyson.

Andy Kaufman spun comedy gold out of that very same act.

If you were looking to figure out how Donald Trump became the 45th president of the
United States, there you go.