Royal Ugly Dude

I sorta would like Anna Faris to get better movies, so she can at least try to fulfill the modern Madeline Kahn potential I see in her as a comic actress, but I don't think Mel Brooks is walking through that door.

I want to try this beer I keep hearing about called Elsinore Beer. Looks pretty good.

I mean, I'm pretty pissed he didn't prosecute the war criminals of the previous administration, and instead, ratified many of their policies, but I guess it was something of a longshot to expect him to give up all of that neat executive power.

Close. First Nations.

Yeah, I think we have common ground here. I buy the argument that WWII was serving America. I'd be open to the argument that Korea was sort of serving America, as is Afghanistan, sorta, if you squint really hard.There's a whole bunch of sorta genocidal conflicts we did in the late 18th and most of the 19th centuries

Well, I wouldn't call fighting in Vietnam really serving America. I mean, it was serving a tiny slice of America, the McDonnell Douglas shareholders, but I always though Muhammad Ali had the exact number of the Vietnam War.

Honestly, we should be pretty polarized right now, given that the amalgamated racist sociopaths who make up the Republican base are literally attempting to kill tens of millions of Americans.

Sure, but that's not really the working class. I mean, it's a chunk of the working class, but there's a lot of tradespeople who are solidly middle class. America's working class, though, is a lot browner than America as a whole. It's also more female.

Don't rock the bloat, baby.


A wax dummy, only made of three month old fondue rather than wax.

You can have my copy of Eat a Peach when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


I'm still going to go with "Evil" as personality trait A, and "imbecile" as personality trait B. Personality trait C? Creepy.

Indeed, I kinda think Bill Clinton and Barack Obama sorta did that exact trick in reverse, only without ever actually acknowledging that they were Republicans.

No, because Grant in his first term mostly tried protecting black people. This president put the DOJ's civil rights division under the indirect command of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

I'll try to contain my sorrow at seeing the backside of another disingenuous snowflake casting about for a fainting couch because the AV Club decides to let loose with a scream at the latest dickery from the buffoon in chief.

Yeah, but not so much with the people he gives a shit about.

I mean, at the regulatory agency level, shit's on fire, yo, but on the level that gets noticed, we'll probably be okay because Trump can't stop shooting himself in the dick.

In what way isn't he a mainstream Republican of 2017 and therefore, a sack of shit? RIght now the Republicans are a party of open bigotry, willing to scapegoat people without power at every step of the way. Yep that fits Trump. Their main policy goals are to disassemble the social safety net and give huge tax cuts to