Royal Ugly Dude

Thankee, thankee.

He can't even do the fandango!

The fuck do you care? You're pretty clearly not the audience.

He is a mainstream Republican. Yes, you are right, he is a sack of shit.

Honestly, I hope the Republicans identify as closely with this administration as possible. Because it is who they are, only without bothering to mouth some platitudes while trying to ruin this country on behalf of their hunting buddies. so let them all hop on board this ship, and let's hope it's the goddamned Titanic

Sure, but those don't work as well.

I mean, the point of this story seemed to me to be pretty transparently a way to make the news cycle about something other than the Republican party's continued efforts to murder poor people.

I've met a bunch of them. It's the best way to give the tackle some pass block help while still getting a running back out into a pattern.

Harbinger? No, Dim Nixon is the fucking mechanism.

The larger dogs might reasonably be expected to rape the chihuahua. To be fair, so might a chunk of the people.

Gus Sheridan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Act.

It'd be better to be safe than sorry. We should probably just guillotine every billionaire in the country.

You don't really get to control what turns you on, though. You just get to determine how you act on that. I don't really think pedophiles are evil people. I think people who act upon their pedophilia are evil people.

Or Blazing Saddles.

Hey, we're solidly middle of the American pack in obesity rates, thanks to the existence of the south.

Trump voters in both the primaries and in the general election were at least twice as likely to be above the national mean income as they were to be below it. To me, that suggests that his base isn't the disaffected rural working class.

I mean, we don't really know a damn thing about Persian attempts to tame Transoxiana and how successful or unsuccessful they might have been.

Australia is fool's gold. Real winners come from South America. Only slightly more exposed, but taking and holding Asia takes forever. Taking and holding Africa or North America is so much easier.

Lutherans gave us Bach, so I think they set the cult music bar.

When I lived in Edgewater and worked in the Loop, whenever I drove in, I took LSD right before getting to work.