Royal Ugly Dude

The last two minutes of the series: after EVERYONE dies in the battle of King's Landing, the palace janitor takes off his coveralls, revealing Gendry. Gendry proceeds to mount the throne, then laughs the most evil villain laugh ever. Cue theme music, roll end credits.

I don't think anyone thought Dan Hedaya's character was an asskicker especially.

Either that, or just to end the interminable Arya story line.

Isn't his fleet supposed to be much, much larger than hers?

And then he's going to get Greyscale, and Samwise will be all, "Fuck you old man!"

He is an honorable man. It's going to take him at least three minutes to decide to take Jaime's offer.

He is a fucking dumbass. Why on earth wouldn't he have discussed things with Sansa first instead of airing his plans out in front of every noble in the north if he wasn't a fucking dumbass? He's learned nothing from being fragged by the Night's Watch.

He will learn Bran has crossed the wall when he finds out about the giant army of the dead that crossed the Wall thanks to Bran's enchantment breaking tattoo.

What the shit was he going to do? Euron would have killed Yara immediately, and Theon's not really a match for Unkie Euron, anyway.

Basically a Roman corvus adapted to Westeros culture.

Cluster about 50 of them together, though, and you'd be able to deny some airspace to some dragons.

He doesn't look Jewy enough to be the ACLU lawyer, though.

That's totally Lucifer dialog. I have no idea how this show works, but it totally does.

Coriander family all appreciate them.

Like walking in the rain and the snow when there's no place to go and you feel like a part of you is dying?

I hear they make GREAT salsa!

The fundamental flaw in that alternative, though, is thinking Alexander might possibly have given a single solitary fuck about building an empire.

They found a pretty good workaround on the enslavement thing, too.

I know next to nothing about the Greco-Bactrian kingdoms, but I have a hard time thinking that no one in the Indus basin wound up offering to Zeus regularly, even after that psycho Alexander died.

I like this, but I think you are being kind of pollyannaish by claiming that black people have been given equal rights even a century and a half after the traitors surrendered.