Royal Ugly Dude

Not really a fan of Booker, but I guess he'd make a tolerable VP. Sorta. If it'd make the part of the Democratic Party that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street shut the fuck up and not do anything other than supply votes and cash to actual leftists.

The downside is, Captain France wastes a bunch of time asking Moroccan dudes for their papers.

Captain FYROM!

Not the Maxim gun?

Enough with your hot takes, Daily Mail reader.

Captain Samoa would be either the best wrestler ever or the best defensive tackle at USC ever. Or both.

Hey, comics geeks. I know there's some sort of UK knockoff of Captain America. Does that hold true for other countries as well? Is there, e.g, a Captain Estonia?

But the Death Eaters are broken up by the end of the books.

Ron kinda hates Molly though. Not that it would prevent him from expecting his wife to more or less be her. But Molly Weasley's an eminently dislikable character, basically a Mrs. Bennet of the wizarding world, without the excuse of being of a time and class where women could basically be wives, or they could be

It would have been cooler if Harry had wound up with Seamus or Neville.

Which, seeing as the only apparent jobs available in wizarding UK are either government jobs, educational sector jobs, or retail work, that specialized vocational training is important as all get out. Oh, I guess there's a few hospital staff, too.

Wait, you have a social circle with at least 4 couples in it? How do you deal with people that much?

/sound of cocaine whooshing into James Woods' left nostril

Be careful; that kind of contractual obligation is how you get Vampire$.

More "UK at the end of WWII or Constantinople in 1265 CE" than "tail end of the Ming or the Mughals", eh?

Maybe Handler's recently advocated liquidating the kulaks as a class?

Let's get to the weirdness at the heart of this whole thing: why the fuck is there such a thing as a "Politicon"?

That fucker has clearly played a bunch of squash.

It's a tossup as to which is more Muslim-friendly.