Royal Ugly Dude

No, there's also the money that goes with the bigotry.

No, because this guy doesn't have the resources of Newscorp. So the lawsuit is basically going to be shoveling money away at a time when the guy kinda could use it.

But he treats objects like women.

I haven't seen the movie, but 2009's The Donner Party clearly makes the party the centerpiece of the movie, just based on the title. So that's my answer. I'd like to be at the Donner Party.

The story of the Meeseeks box is a simple one, and it is complete.

Dude, surely you've seen Apocalypse Now. Noted liberal Martin Sheen is a goddamn murder machine.

Well, yes and no. I agree that the Clintons have some responsibility for this, but let's face it, it's never not been okay to demonize young black men in America.

I mean, I'd hatefuck her.

You can tell by their full throated support of Philando Castile's family how not racist they are.

See, this is why you should study chemistry. With household equipment, you can whip up a nasty suprise for these fuckers. Plus, does it sound cooler to say you shot some fucker, or that you vitriolaged some fucker? We all agree it'd be the second, right?

You can tell, by how much the NRA sounded off about Philando Castile.

Upvoted for marvelously pithy hate.

He's like the Lee Atwater of lobbying.

America's such a nation of pussies that back in the sixties, we were actually afraid of hippies, the least effective and most inoffensive people on the planet who aren't Canadian.

All the federales say, they could've caught him any day. They only let him slip away out of kindness, I suppose.

And you were right.

Yeah, but then, President Pence and his evident eagerness to turn America into a Handmaid's Tale theme park.

See, we're not actually a democracy. We're an oligarchy that puts on circuses.

You'd think, but you've also had a racist pigfucker as PM within the past 13 months.

Sure, China's got an imperialist agenda. When did that stop being a valid basis for acquiring new territory?